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Azure Stack Shortcuts | aka.ms/AzureStack/Shortcuts

Shortcuts for learning about Azure Stack, shortcuts for training and certification, and just shortcuts to quickly find content on any topic on Azure Stack!

Learning Resources - fast track it

All of my Azure Stack Shortcuts start with aka.ms/AzureStack. Want to read more about what Azure Stack is? Goto aka.ms/AzureStack for the high level overviews or aka.ms/AzureStack/Hybrid for the complete whitepaper.  One of my favorite finds for learning is on Channel 9 called the Azure Stack Channel = aka.ms/AzureStack/Channel. At the last MS Ignite 2017, there were also about two dozen sessions on Azure Stack.  Find those at aka.ms/AzureStack/Ignite.

Also, for those parts of Azure that live in Azure Stack, you can see my aka.ms/Azure/Shortcuts page as well for lots of resources to assist.  At the core of it all, my IaaSOpsGuide will probably have the most usefulness for Azure Stack.  You can find that at aka.ms/Azure/IaaSOpsGuide.

I have now moved all of my learning resources now at aka.ms/Azure/Learn.

The Azure Stack Shortcuts!

Provide Feedback on Azure Stack at aka.ms/Azssession

And see others posts to improve at User Voice aka.ms/azurestack/feedback

Shortcut URL Description
Acronis Aka.ms/AzureStack/Acronis
Administration Aka.ms/AzureStack/Administration
AppServices Aka.ms/AzureStack/AppServices
AppServiceEditor Aka.ms/AzureStack/AppServiceEditor Just as with Kudu, there are two ways to launch the App Service Editor. From the browser, if the Kudu URL is https://mysite.scm.azurewebsites.net , you can add a /dev token. The root URL comes https://mysite.scm.azurewebsites.net/dev
Backup Aka.ms/AzureStack/Backup Read about Backup and DR options on Azure Stack from Microsoft
Billing Aka.ms/AzureStack/Billing
Blog Aka.ms/AzureStack/Blog
Canary Validator Aka.ms/AzureStack/Canary
Channel Aka.ms/AzureStack/Channel
Cisco Aka.ms/AzureStack/Cisco Read about the Cisco Hardware that will be available after GA
Compliance Aka.ms/AzureStack/Compliance Knowing that preparing compliance paperwork is a tedious task, we pre-compiled the documentation for our customers. This formally completed compliance assessment has resulted in a set of precompiled compliance documents that customers can now use to accelerate their compliance certification process.
Compute Aka.ms/AzureStack/Compute
CustomImage Aka.ms/AzureStack/CustomImage
Delegate Aka.ms/AzureStack/Delegate
Develop Aka.ms/AzureStack/Develop
DevOps Aka.ms/AzureStack/DevOps This blog post links many relevant resources for DevOps which are applicable to either private or public cloud. Make sure to check out Donovan Brown's most excellent sessions.
Diagnostcis Aka.ms/AzureStack/Diagnostics
Differences Aka.ms/AzureStack/Differences Differences between Azure and Azure Stack
DNS Aka.ms/AzureStack/DNS
Docs Aka.ms/AzureStack/Docs Download the entire Azure Stack Docs, documentation. Great to grab and go if going on a plane ride. Also, much easier to do a "Ctrl + F" to quickly find things only here, versus all of the Azure Documentation.
EAI Aka.ms/AzureStack/EAI Early Adopters Channel - must be a member
Endpoints Aka.ms/AzureStack/Endpoints Azure Stack datacenter integration - Publish endpoints
Environment Aka.ms/AzureStack/Environment Azure Stack Building an end-to-end validation environment
ExpressRoute Aka.ms/AzureStack/ExpressRoute Connect Azure Stack to Azure using ExpressRoute
FAQ Aka.ms/AzureStack/FAQ
Features Aka.ms/AzureStack/Features
Feedback Aka.ms/AzureStack/Feedback Post improvements and see others' suggestions at the Azure Stack User Voice
Forum Aka.ms/AzureStack/Forum MSDN Forum to post Q&A with the Product Group
HPE Aka.ms/AzureStack/HPE
Huawei Aka.ms/AzureStack/Huawei Huawei announces plans to expand its server product portfolio to deliver Hybrid Cloud solution for Microsoft Azure Stack
Hybrid Aka.ms/AzureStack/Hybrid PDF detailing Hybrid Applications across Azure and Azure Stack
Identity Aka.ms/AzureStack/Identity Datacenter Integration: Identity
InAzure Aka.ms/AzureStack/InAzure You can pretend deploy Azure Stack in an Azure Resource Group for testing
iDNS Aka.ms/AzureStack/iDNS iDNS is a new feature that allows resolution of external DNS names (such as https://www.bing.com). It also allows you to register internal virtual network names. By doing so, you can resolve VMs on the same virtual network by name rather than IP address, without having to provide custom DNS server entries. 
Ignite Aka.ms/AzureStack/Ignite Search for all of the latest MS Ignite Sessions on Azure Stack. Currently this has Ignite 2016 sessions but I'll update once 2017 sessions are uploaded. See the 2011 session now also on the YouTube link below
KeyVault Aka.ms/AzureStack/KeyVault
Licensing Aka.ms/AzureStack/Licensing Download PDF - Microsoft Azure StackLicensing Guide(end customers)
Lenovo Aka.ms/AzureStack/Lenovo
Lab Script Kit on Github Aka.ms/AzureStack/LabScriptKit Once you have deployed Azure Stack, log in as Service admin and we can start the configuration of the lab with these handy scripts
Marketplace Aka.ms/AzureStack/Marketplace
Meters Aka.ms/AzureStack/Meters Answers some frequently asked questions about the Azure Stack Usage API and what Meter IDs you can see.
Mellanox Aka.ms/AzureStack/Mellanox Read about the journey that Microsoft and Mellanox started more than six years ago to enable our networking hardware to deliver the most efficient solutions for the new Windows Server 2016 and Azure Stack-based deployments.
Monitor Aka.ms/AzureStack/Monitor Azure Stack includes infrastructure monitoring capabilities that enable a cloud administrator to view health and alerts for an Azure Stack region.
MooC Aka.ms/AzureStack/MooC OpenEdEx: Configuring and Operating Microsoft Azure Stack free online course!
Multi-Tenancy or MultiTenancy Aka.ms/AzureStack/MultiTenancy How to configure Azure Stack to support users from multiple Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenants to use services in Azure Stack
MySQL Aka.ms/AzureStack/MySQL
Nagios Aka.ms/AzureStack/Nagios Nagios plugin written in python used to monitor AzureStack alerts. This can be used with either the Nagios enterprise edition or the free edition/td>
Network Aka.ms/AzureStack/Network IP Addressing and initial network information/td>
Offer Aka.ms/AzureStack/Offer What an Offer is and how to create one
OMS Aka.ms/AzureStack/OMS A project to help customers with the visualization of operational and usage data through the integration of OMS with Power BI Dashboards
Operator Aka.ms/AzureStack/Operator NOTE: in the lower left hand corner the PDF link. Use this to help prepare for the 70-537 Operator Exam coming soon!
Plan Aka.ms/AzureStack/Plan What a Plan is and how to make one
POC Aka.ms/AzureStack/POC How to get the Azure Stack POC environment up and running from the beginning.
PowerShell Aka.ms/AzureStack/PowerShell
Prerequisites Aka.ms/AzureStack/Prerequisites Prerequisites for the Azure Stack POC
Pricing Aka.ms/AzureStack/Pricing Pricing for Azure Stack ...also see the datasheet Aka.ms/AzureStack/PricingDataSheet
PrivEndpoint Aka.ms/AzureStack/PrivEndpoint Using the Privileged Endpoint in Azure Stack
Quotas Aka.ms/AzureStack/Quotas What are Azure Stack Quotas and how to make them 
RBAC Aka.ms/AzureStack/RBAC Learn about Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) in Azure Stack.  To learn more about RBAC see aka.ms/Azure/RBAC.
S2S Aka.ms/AzureStack/S2S Create a Site to Site VPN for Azure Stack
SCOM Aka.ms/AzureStack/SCOM This management pack enables System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2 & 2016 to monitor Azure Stack
Security Aka.ms/AzureStack/Security Stack Security and Compliance resources - stay tuned
ServicePrincipal Aka.ms/AzureStack/ServicePrincipal What is a Service Principal and how to make one for Applications
Sizes Aka.ms/AzureStack/Sizes What are the supported VM sizes in Azure Stack...
Storage Aka.ms/AzureStack/Storage
SQL Aka.ms/AzureStack/SQL Use SQL databases on Azure Stack
SQLRP Aka.ms/AzureStack/SQLRP How to make and setup the SQL Resource Provider
Subscribe Aka.ms/AzureStack/Subscribe How a tenant (customer) would subscribe
Tenant Aka.ms/AzureStack/Tenant
Troubshoot or Troubleshooting Aka.ms/AzureStack/TroubleShoot
Updates Aka.ms/AzureStack/Updates How to do updates on Azure Stack
UsageFAQ Aka.ms/AzureStack/UsageFAQ This article answers some frequently asked questions about the Azure Stack Usage API.
UsageReporting Aka.ms/AzureStack/UsageReportingaka.ms/AzureStack/Usage also Usage data, also called as consumption data represents the amount of resources used. In Azure Stack, usage data must be reported to Azure for billing purpose. Azure Stack administrators should configure their Azure Stack instance to report usage data to Azure.
Users Aka.ms/AzureStack/Users
Validator Aka.ms/AzureStack/Validator Github Porject to Validate ARM Templates for use with Azure Stack
VirtualMachines Aka.ms/AzureStack/VirtualMachines An overview of the unique considerations for Virtual Machines and its features in Azure Stack
VMSS Aka.ms/AzureStack/VMSS An overview of Virtual Machines Scale Sets in Azure Stack
VisualStudio Aka.ms/AzureStack/VisualStudio Install Visual Studio Community edition for Azure Stack
WebApps Aka.ms/AzureStack/WebApps To give tenants the ability to create Web, Mobile, and API applications with their Azure Stack subscription, these are the steps to add an App Service Resource Provider
Whitepaper Aka.ms/AzureStack/Whitepaper
YouTube Aka.ms/AzureStack/YouTube This is a shortcut to the Ignite 2017 Conference Sessions on Azure Stack
