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SFO Silverlight User Group Next Meeting on 6/11/2009

On Thursday, June 11, we will be hosting at the San Francisco Microsoft Office a second meeting of the San Francisco Silverlight User Group.  We are having a Silverlight Showcase where community members can show off their Silverlight applications.  In addition, I will be giving an overview of the upcoming Silverlight 3 and we will be going over what happened at Mix (a bit late). 


What SFO Silverlight User Group
When June 11, 2009 - 6:30-9:00 PM
Who Anyone who wants to learn more about Microsoft Silverlight and see what cool sites are being created with it.
Where Microsoft Corporation, 835 Market Street, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA
Why “Everything starts with a conversation.”
How Take the Bart or Muni, get off at the Powell Street Station and look for the entrance below a Purple SFSU Banner.