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Dynamics NAV 2013 – Drill Down on Business Charts

In one of my previous posts (Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 – Business Chart explained), I’ve explained how to build a Business chart from scratch. That post covers the details on how to build a dynamic Factbox showing Location wise inventory on Item List page in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 R2.

Business Charts in Dynamics NAV have the capacity to show detailed data when clicked on a particular spot in a chart.

In this blog, I will explain how we can add this drill down feature to the (Items Qty by location chart) business chart.

Please note: This post is in continuation to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 – Business Chart explained

Following image shows the drilldown details (Item Ledger entries) of inventory value 88 in Location: GREEN and for Item: 1906-S.

Drill down to the details of inventory in specific location



Following image highlights the new lines of code and functions added to the codeunit (65000 – Items qty by loc. chart mgt.). New global and local variables are also added to support these lines of code.


C/AL code added to bring in the drill down feature


In the chart Page (65000 – Items Qty by location chart) we need to add 2 lines of code to set the drill down indexes and call the newly added function in our codeunit (65000)



With this, Drilldown feature is added to the Business Chart.

All the objects related to this business chart are attached with this post.

Once these objects are imported into your NAV database, you can add a page part in the Item list/card page under FactBoxArea and link it to page 65000 on Item number field.




Location wise Item inventory Business Chart.fob