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Presentation at CodeCamp Pittsburgh

I presented a Silverlight 1.0/2.0 demonstration yesterday at CodeCamp and it went quite well. Most importantly, it compiled; hey, that's half the battle.

The talk started out about how POX is not truly a ReST service because POX services are not usually provided as post-able services that control and manage information processing. With POX services, the idea is really to share the information with the user interface. So, I put together a service that provided customer order information from the AdventureWorks catalog. The information was provided in JSON format to the front end Silverlight 1.0 and 2.0 interface.

The Silverlight 1.0 portion of the demo went really fast, mainly because I kept the JavaScript in code snippets so I wouldn't end up debugging any of it. The Silverlight 2.0 piece took some time because I had to write all the code from scratch because I forgot to save the code in snippets. It did look like I knew what I was doing, though.

Anyways, thanks to Mike Snell, Craig Oaks, and Dave Hoerster for hosting CodeCamp! It was a fun time and I got to eat burritos.
