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Script to Modfiy a registry Value Helpful for implementing https://support.microsoft.com/kb/970635

When we are applying the hotfix  https://support.microsoft.com/kb/970635 we would required to modify the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Sms\Mobile Client\Reboot Management\JobCounter to zero for the systems which has already been havingthis issue.

As a part of  this we need to do these three steps

  1. Stop the SMS Agent Host (CcmExec.exe) service on a System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 client computer.
  2. Location the following registry subkey and change its value to 0:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Sms\Mobile Client\Reboot Management\JobCounter
  3. Start the SMS Agent Host (ccmExec.exe) service on the client computer


Script is


'This script will modify the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Sms\Mobile Client\Reboot Management\JobCounter to Zero.

Dim objShell, RegLocate, RegLocate1
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
RegLocate = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Sms\Mobile Client\Reboot Management\JobCounter"
objShell.RegWrite RegLocate,"0","REG_DWORD"


Hope this will be helpful