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Steve Rowe's Blog

Ruminations on Computing - Data Science, Programming, Test Development, Management and More

Monthly Podcast Update

It's nearing the end of the month so I thought I'd update you on what podcasts are filling my Zen...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/26/2006

Software Engineering - A Valid Aspiration?

I was listening to an interview with Alistair Cockburn tonight on my way home and thought he had...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/21/2006

HD-DVD Launches

The first of the next-generation formats officially launched today. As of now, you can walk into a...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/19/2006

Dangers of Test Automation Revisited

Here is a comment I received via e-mail in reference to my post on the Dangers of Test Automation. I...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/18/2006

HDCP Primer

HDCP stands for High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection. It is the encryption and handshaking...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/16/2006

Why I'm Not Buying an HDTV Yet

Working with video all the time, I should be an obvious owner of an HDTV set. Alas, I'm not. I've...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/13/2006

Apple Stories

I've long been fascinated with the history of computing. I've read many books and watched what few...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/07/2006

Podcasts I'm Listening to Now

Here's what I'm listening to this month. If you have any suggestions for things I might like,...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/30/2006

Naked Conversations - Live

Yesterday I went to see Robert Scoble and Shel Israel talk on campus. It was a stop on their book...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/29/2006

Blogosphere Gets Taken

There has been a lot of talk in the blogosphere about how it it replacing old media. The response of...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/24/2006

The Dangers of Test Automation

One of my favorite TV shows right now is House. In it a brilliant but antisocial doctor and his...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/17/2006

Becoming a Lead, Pt. 4 - We Not I

Another aspect of becoming a lead/manager that takes some time to wrap one's head around is what...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/15/2006

HDTV Primer Podcast

Another interesting podcast I've found, this time giving a lot of detail about HDTV. This comes from...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/14/2006

Becoming a Lead, Pt. 3 - Delegating

I've noticed that people new to leadership roles often struggle with the concept of delegating....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/14/2006

Becoming a Lead, Pt. 2 – Learning To Trust

When I became a lead, one of the first real changes I noticed was the necessity of trusting those...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/09/2006

Becoming a Lead, Pt. 1

At Microsoft, there are two classifications of people: Individual Contributors and Managers/Leads....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/08/2006

Understanding Networking

In my recent foray into podcasting, I ran across a gem. It is a 4-part series which explains most of...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 03/08/2006

HD-DVD Fighting Back

A few months ago, HD-DVD was written off by many. There were no exclusive studios and most vendors...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/28/2006

February Vista CTP Is Out

I won't be the first to mention it but I thought I would add my $0.02 about it. The February CTP...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/23/2006

Dependent Test Cases

As most of my blog posts do, this one stems from a conversation I had recently. The conversation...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/17/2006

Effective Text Editing

I ran across this article I thought I'd share: Seven habits of effective text editing. It's written...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/15/2006

Catching the Podcast Bug

With the new year, I decided to take advantage of my health club benefit. For the past couple of...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/09/2006

Friendly Reminder: Utilize Source Control

I just finished talking to someone who lost 1 1/2 weeks of work due to an inadvertent key stroke....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/07/2006

Lisp and Ruby

I recently came across Paul Graham's essay, Beating the Averages where he talks glowingly about...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 02/02/2006

Experimenting With Scrum Part 4

This is the last post in my "experimenting with scrum" series. After our bug smash time, we went...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/26/2006

Experimenting With Scrum Part 3

Our first attempt at using scrum came during what we call a bug smash. That is a time when we focus...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/05/2006

A Few Points Of Interest

A few interesting articles I've found on the web recently: Advice for those thinking about starting...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/05/2006

Experimenting With Scrum Part 2

It occurs to me that some of those reading this blog will not be familiar with Scrum. Before I go...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/03/2006

Making the Media Center Remote Keyboard Work

When Microsoft released their remote keyboard for Media Center, I was excited. Here was a wireless...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 01/02/2006

Experimenting With Scrum

I recently tried using some parts of scrum with my team at Microsoft. We're a development team in...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/30/2005

Dual Core Media Center Goodness

I recently put together a new Media Center PC. The old one was running on a Pentium4 1.7 GHz and was...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/09/2005

Language Inefficiencies

I spent some time yesterday trying to learn Perl. I'd looked at it some a few years back but never...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 12/01/2005

You Aren't Gonna Need It - Or Are You?

A coworker recently pointed me at this page from the C2 Extreme Programming Wiki. The basic theory...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 11/04/2005

Objective Statements - Do You Need One?

I've been doing a lot of resume screening lately so I thought I'd write up a few of my thoughts....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 10/25/2005

MSN Search Getting Better

As a good corporate citizen I began trying MSN Search several months ago with the initial release....

Author: SteveRowe Date: 10/17/2005

Some Perspective On Vista

It's been quite a while since Microsoft released a new operating system. Windows XP was the last...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 10/14/2005

Programming for the next guy

I'm taking a class this week. The subject is writing WDM drivers. The class assumes you have some...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 09/28/2005

I'm back. Hopefully.

Wow. It's been a while since I blogged. I have a lot of ideas but I've been quite busy of late and...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 09/28/2005

OS/2 Finally buried

IBM finally announced the official, final death notice for OS/2. Back before I joined Microsoft I...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 07/15/2005

Next Gen Game Console News

Some interesting news (rumors are more like it) about the next generation of game consoles: The PS3...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 06/30/2005

WMV-HD Is Now Hardware Accelerated

I am please to announce something I find pretty exciting. Windows Media High Definition Video (WMV...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 06/09/2005

Broadcast Flag's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Back in February I talked about how the D.C. Circuit Court seemed to question the power of the FCC...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 05/07/2005

Black Box Testing

I attended a talk on campus yesterday discussing various aspects of testing. Part of the talk...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/28/2005

Programming Languages

Interesting article this morning on CNet. It discusses language usage. Bjarne Stroustrup (the...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/22/2005

It's not the idea

I had a chance this afternoon to see one of my favorite writers and thinks, George Gilder. He came...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/20/2005

Western Digital Understands Warranties

I have a hard drive which seems to be going bad on me. It's a Western Digital SATA drive. So far, no...

Author: SteveRowe Date: 04/12/2005

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