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What’s New At Talking About Windows?

if you haven’t visited Talking About Windows.com in awhile, look at all you have missed.

Lidiane Souza a Sr. Group Program Manager at Microsoft discusses the concept of isolated applications and the benefits it provides to IT administrators, including flexibility, the ease of management, and a seamless experience for end users.


Listen in as Greg Lambert from ChangeBASE AOK discusses Windows 7 application compatibility, and highlights ways for developers to optimize the application experience for end users and Stephen Hall from District Computers, LLC. shares his thoughts on the speed, security, and remote capabilities of Windows 7 and how it can benefit end users who require on-site and off-site access to their information

Hear what Peter Menadue from Dimension Data has to say about early deployments of Windows 7 and methodologies used to ensure OS ease of use for both end users and IT administrators. Listen in as he also dispels the myths of virtualization

And, if your looking to learn more about Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008, come find a live or virtual event in your area by visiting the Events tab on the Talking About Windows site.

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