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Which permissions are needed for OpsMgr 2007 SP1 Cumulative Hotfix?

Some days ago I got a question from a customer why their OpsMgr 2007 SP1 Cumulative Hotfix installation was failing.

As you might know this update provides a cumulative rollup of hotfixes for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 Service Pack 1 together with the following improvements:

  • Support for Windows 7
  • Support for Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Support for SQL Server 2008 and SQL Reporting Services 2008 Upgrade
  • Additional fixes and improvements

Note This update applies to System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 only.



They were getting the next error message when running the Run Server Update.


The first thing I do, is look at the install log file if an installation is failing. So type %temp% in your run box and go to the temp folder and look for the log file.

While searching the log file I noticed it had probably something to do with the (database) permissions for the account which run the hotfix.


“"MSI (s) (B8!94) [10:35:51:068]: Creating MSIHANDLE (28) of type 790531 for thread 2452

2009-12-15T10:35:51.0687372+01:00        Warn:        SetRootHealthService: The sql client throws exception Cannot open database "OperationsManager" requested by the login. The login failed.

Login failed for user 'CONTOSO\Test_UserSP1Hotfix'."



The account running the hotfix needs db_owner permissons for the OperationsManager database.



In my demo environment (An all-in-one RMS server with all OperationsManager databases on that machine) the account installing the hotfix needed the next permissions.

Please keep in mind I only tested this in my demo environment. If you have your OpsMgr databases installed on separate servers more permissions may need to be configured.

OpsMgr Permissions:

  • Member of the Operations Manager Administrators Role

OS permissions:

  • Member of the Local Admin Group

Database Permissions:

  • Public for server-wide  security



  • Db_owner for OperationsManager database


For the Reporting Server Update no extra database permissions were needed.



You can find more info about the OpsMgr 2007 SP1 cumulative hotfix on Kevin Holman’s weblog.


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