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The Partner Pack Newsletter: Subject related to MP Best Practices

Source: MOMTeam

Maybe you have missed the blog post from Chris Fox about The Partner Pack Newsletter on the MOMTeam blog.

What is The Partner Pack?  

The Partner Pack is a bi-weekly newsletter that  focuses on topical subjects related to Management Pack best practices.  

Started by the System Center Operations  Manager team at Microsoft, this newsletter has been a way of building awareness of and interest  in management packs across many teams at Microsoft. It is part of a much larger effort across  the company to bring focus to the concepts of manageability and management packs. What  initially started out as a relatively small operation has rapidly grown into a wealth of knowledge  available company-wide about the topic of MP authoring through technical guidance, best  practices, one-on-one consulting, training sessions, and more.  

As measures of the momentum that this program  is gaining, we are excited to take what we have learned with internal MP development, and  engage with our partner teams with the mission of growing our MP community as a whole to  develop management packs that are beneficial for customers. This newsletter provides a  glimpse into the world of management packs by  providing in-depth technical content, happenings and highlights in the MP world, and more!

Take a look at the OpsManJam website for the latest Partner Pack Newsletters.