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SharePoint 2013: Secure Store Service throwing an error "Ribbon node must have a subnode."

On a SharePoint 2013 farm, once you try to configure  Secure Store service application under Central Administration site. After browsing to it , you may see the error as below

 Sorry, something went wrong Ribbon <Tab> node must have a <Scaling> subnode.
 Technical Details Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.
 Correlation ID: <Corelation Id>

Date and Time: <Date Time>

This happens  due to a feature "SSSvcAdmin"  which may be  disabled on Central Admin Site


Use the below PowerShell to list the features & confirm if SSSvcAdmin feature is enabled at Central Admin  web level.

  Get-SPSite https://centraladminURL | Get-SPWeb -Limit ALL | %{ Get-SPFeature -Web $_ } | Sort DisplayName -Unique | FT DisplayName,Id > c:\Sitefeature.txt

This feature should be activated in order to function Secure store service application correctly & can  be activated using below

 Enable-SPFeature -identity "SSSvcAdmin" -URL https://centraladminURL


Post By : Anoop Prasad [MSFT]