Add claims with claim name..
В этой статье
Just a reminder to self..
Wanted to add multiple claims and needed to also have the name specified - not sure where this was documented but here it is anyway - maybe i overlooked it somewhere.
$claim_PrimarySID = New-AdfsClaimRuleSet -ClaimRule '@RuleName = "Pass through GroupSID" c:[Type == ""] => issue(claim = c);'
$claim_GroupSid = New-AdfsClaimRuleSet -ClaimRule '@RuleName = "Pass through UPN" c:[Type == ""] => issue(claim = c);'
$All_Claims = New-AdfsClaimRuleSet -ClaimRule ($claim_GroupSid.ClaimRules + $claim_PrimarySID.ClaimRules)
Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name $name -Identifier $name -IssuanceAuthorizationRules $authorizationrule -issuancetransformrules $All_Claims.ClaimRulesString etc..