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Just starting out with .NET – ‘What about beginners’

A customer sent me this mail recently:

Hey Sean

It's great getting the MSDN Flash every couple of weeks, but it'd be even better if there were more content aimed at beginner level people - us who are still just getting started in the industry.

I've been doing web stuff for the last 4 years, but am only just starting to learn ASP.NET and other development tools.

Any ideas on where I could find info/inspiration/tips for people at my level? Alot of the content in MSDN Flash and Channel9 etc, is full of jargon, terms and abbreviations that I don't even understand yet though I do find it all interesting...


I think I and many of my team (and Microsoft in general) can be a little guilty on focusing on the future and established developers a lot of the time.

So as a start I might do a series of posts that attempt to point out some good starting resources for developers. I’ll do it across a couple of posts.
