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Introducing the Dynamics CRM Online Trust Centre

We often write on here about the benefits of the cloud for smaller and mid-sized businesses. Take Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, which can give you powerful CRM software delivered as a service, instant-on anywhere access, predictable pay-as-you-go pricing, even a financially backed SLA.

What‘s not to like?

Well, for one thing, we know that there are still many people that feel uneasy about entrusting another organisation to help protect their valuable customer data. To be fair that’s not an unnatural reaction, but it can be an unnecessary barrier to some real productivity and business benefits.

That’s why we’re so pleased to be able to introduce the availability of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center, a website that provides in-depth information about the privacy and security practices for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online service. If data security and compliance are critical considerations for you, this will give you all you need to know about the privacy, transparency, independent verification and security features that we’ve built the service on to keep your data safe.

The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Trust Center is available at https://crm.dynamics.com/trust-center. And remember if you want to follow and engage with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Twitter community can do so at @MSDynamicsCRM, using #MSDYNCRM and #CRM2011.