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How to become an Online Influencer

Being an online influencer is not usually the goal of a startup, not initially in the thinking stage, but in this modern, social media-heavy world, becoming influencer, or indeed, popular on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn is becoming ever so more important.

There is much thrown around online about how to approach and attract influencers, and how to become an influencer. When achieving such status, it’s important to been seen an industry equal and a resource. Then, when achieved, you would no longer be seen as a nuisance constantly broadcasting your own agenda and business, but hoping others will relay your messages.

However, those who want to be an online influencer, will have to understand that it won’t happen overnight, the truth is that it doesn’t happen easily. It takes hard work. The difference between the people who make it and those who don’t, is dedication and wisely targeted efforts.

Being an influencer yourself is often overlooked as a way to engage with other influences. As mentioned, it takes time. But it is worth it. There is also financial benefit to becoming an influencer, as people with increased value can charge more for services. It’s ultimately a win-win if you, and your business, have the dedication.

You can become a source of knowledge, a trend-setter, and valuable to your peers. You don’t have to settle for the role of squeaky agenda-pushing wheel.

Building strong relationships and trust with your peers is essential in influencing their decisions. Also having a centric attitude towards those that you work with can be as beneficial.

It is vital to listen more and talk less. Don’t talk yourself out of a ‘sales’. By listening to peers, managers, those in the industry, you can create a better formula to make recommendations that will have a larger impact on both of personal perception and of your goals.

Being aware when your peers are struggling, and the need help is the perfect opportunity to offer help. Offering assistance on a fairly consistent basis will show you are invested in making your industry a success, you are not simply looking to pull ahead of the pack.

To challenge yourself too, make sure you work outside your comfort zone. Create something new and try it. Become a leader, and providing adaptability and quick problem solving skills will increase perception that you are an

Plus, and this blog can’t stress this enough, suggest collaboration. Putting a collective head together to create ideas and new ways of working with help open brainstorming with you at the lead. You will end up of having better vision, and who the other influencers are.

If you want to keep ahead and get recognised, follow these 10 handy tips:

  1. You must create content
  2. Go after a niche
  3. Create a regular series
  4. Request to interview other influencers
  5. Offer yourself up for interviews too
  6. Contribute, for free, to well-trafficked media outlets
  7. Go after your industry’s  “whale” publications (i.e. the biggest publishers in your niche)
  8. Connect your story with a current trend
  9. Connect your brand with a much bigger brand
  10. Engage with your audience

Posted by Steven Woodgate
