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Guest Blog: The Importance of Regular News Updates on a Blog

The Importance of Regular News Updates on a Blog

Building a company website isn’t just about selling your products; it’s about building an online presence for your company so that people visiting the site get some kind of value from it, whether that is interacting with members of your team or in the instance of an online store, making purchases from the comfort of their own home (or increasingly from their mobile devices while on the move).  

A lot of companies keep their site updated with the latest additions to their range – clothing sites are a good example of this – while others choose to keep the news or blog section of the site up to date with new, exciting content. In many cases, visitors actually get more value from reading the latest news from the industry rather than hearing about the newest version of a product from your range. Take the Hidden Hearing Awareness Month page as an example, they use the media centre section of the website to keep visitors informed on things like awareness campaigns, polls and press releases. If you are hard of hearing, a central hub of this kind will be invaluable. The Mental Health Month site has a similar section that provides people in the media and those looking for further details with the essential information they need.

A company’s social media accounts and website are now the first ports of call for many customers and clients, who have moved away from the traditional methods of finding new companies like wandering the high street or scanning through the phone book. This means that the site needs to be informative, relevant and designed in such a way that visitors have a positive experience and subsequently choose to invest in one of your products, subscribe to blog updates or come back again in the future.

It doesn’t matter what form the content comes in, as long as it’s relevant to the company and backs up the message it’s trying to portray. News articles are a great source of information and provide some really valuable insights for visitors. When written by people from the industry or involving quotes from relevant sources, articles have much more authority and the message is portrayed in a much more effective manner. Keeping the content succinct and to the point will help to keep interest levels high and stop people from resorting to skim-reading or bouncing off the page.

Videos are becoming increasingly popular in the online space, helping to provide an alternative method of keeping visitor interest levels up. People are much more likely to watch something than read about it, and they’re also increasingly likely to share that content over their social media accounts, helping to expand its reach and make more people aware of topical issues, competitions, games and humorous content. The only way to really know what works for you is to experiment, so what are you waiting for?