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Small Basic Monthly Challenges - March 2016

These challenges are intended for people who are learning to program for the first time or for those returning to programming who want to start using Small Basic.  Some will be easy, some will be hard - but they will all make you think, and more importantly be GREAT FUN!

Please post your solutions / partial solutions / questions / feedback etc. into this thread that will remain 'sticky' for the month.  The only rule is that your solution must use standard Small Basic methods (no extensions).

It would be good if people could post their problems with these challenges so that a discussion can start so that everyone can learn from each other.

We may extend these challenges over into a second month if solutions and questions are still coming in.

Also post feedback on the kind of challenges that you want to see more of in the future.

Text Challenges

  • Write a program to count the number of vowels in a sentense.
  • Write a program to translate a sentence between some of the languages supported by the Dictionary object.
  • Write a program to write out the times tables to the TextWindow.  Use colour and positionng to tabulate the numbers to make the display clear and easy to read.


Graphics Challenges

  • Write a program to flash an object when the mouse passes over it.
  • Extend the program to have several randomly positioned shapes.
  • Write a program to move objects with some depth perspective - objects further away appear to move more slowly, they may also be fainter and be positioned behind foreground objects to help the effect.
  • Modify the program to move some stationary (or even moving) objects at different distances when the user's view changes.
  • Write a program with subroutines to move Triangle and Line shapes.  The subroutines should be able to move the shapes so their center is at defined coodinates.
  • Write a program to rotate and move a Line shape so that it rotates like a second hand on a watch.
  • Write a program to write a musical phrase for use with the Music object to standard notation on a stave.


Maths Challenges

  • Write a program to solve quadratic equations.
  • Write a program to calculate all the internal angles of a triangle from the coordinates of the corners.


Game Challenges

  • Write a simple FPS (first person shooter) game.  When you move in an FPS, it is the player's view that moves - this is the same as moving the objects in the view in the opposite direction.
  • Write a solliair marbles game.


Do you have an idea for a future challenge? Please post it on the forum here!


Have a Small and Basic month!

- LitDev & Ninja Ed


  • Anonymous
    March 02, 2016
    draws a mystic flower: RSZ230

  • Anonymous
    March 03, 2016
    some turtle demos and a w11 logo too)): WXL001

  • Anonymous
    March 04, 2016
    Here is my program for March Challenge Solving Quadratic Equation program no: FTN740