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Enabling Search Abilities to Your Apps with Azure Search

Azure Search is a cloud service that provides indexing and querying capabilities for uploaded data. This removes the infrastructure requirements and search algorithm complexities traditionally associated with implementing search functionality in an application.

Definitely, you may face situations to integrate search facilities in your mobile, web or any application you develop. It’s search. Below are a few examples where you would use Search.

  • In a Blog Site or Mobile App, you would able to integrate a search option by entering some relevant keyword.
  • Web Site or Mobile AppYou might want to search some relevant data, such as location data, food prices etc.
  • E-Commerce sitesYou would search for different gadgets, books etc. depending on your needs.

Everything depends on "Search".

So this is a component of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform providing indexing and querying capabilities for data uploaded to Microsoft servers. The Search as a service framework is intended to provide developers with complex search capabilities for mobile and web development while hiding infrastructure requirements and search algorithm complexities.

For everything,

  • We don’t need to manage the infrastructure.
  • Everything related to the required infrastructure for provisioning the search will be taken care of by Microsoft Azure.
  • Reduced time and efforts both in terms of development and management of the functionalities.

Azure Search supports over 50 language analyzers to choose from. This can be exposed as a rest API.

Let's create a Search Service in Azure Portal.

Create A Resource --> Azure Search

Click Create and you can fill the data like below. :)

Now you can see the dashboard of your created search service. For the testing purposes, you can import a sample data set provided by Azure.



As you can see in the video, you can connect any data source or multiple data sources to feed data when we search through the index. (An index is like a database table that holds your data and can accept search queries. You define the index schema to map to reflect the structure of the documents you wish to search, similar to fields in a database.)

As you can see in the following image, when you importing your data set, you can define what are the retrievable, searchable columns.


And you can change the key if you need as in the time you import your dataset.

Likewise, you can do your search service using Azure Search. You can use this in your application as a rest call.

Ref: /en-us/rest/api/searchservice/

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