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Webcast Series from Neudesic

clip_image001March 18th – User Experience 101 – What it is; What it does; and Why it matters, presented by Gordon Montgomery

Neudesic’s User Experience Practice extends the reach, power and ultimate success of technology solutions.  See and learn how you can quickly and easily leverage user research, interaction modeling, creative design and usability testing to optimize your own customers’ current software and web-based solutions.

We will examine the key disciplines of user experience including:

  • UX strategy – planning for your actual users
  • Usability testing – QA before you think about any code
  • Creative approaches to design – aesthetics, emotion, brand
  • Information Architecture – blueprints, web/application maps, user flows, page template wireframes
  • Design technology – building out experiences using new interface technologies

See the recorded version here, User Experience 101 – What It Is, What It Does, and Why It Matters | Gordon Montgomery - Principal Consultant, Neudesic (Mar. 18, 2008)

View Webcast Recording (Microsoft Live Meeting 8 Playback)

April 15th – Kick-Starting Microsoft’s Hosted CRM Solution with NeuLive, Presented by Darren Gooding and Travis Pullen

Neudesic invites you to join them as they introduce NeuLive, the quick start implementation for Microsoft’s new HOSTED relationship management solution.  We’ll show you how quick and easy it is to get your configured system up and running, and on your way to achieving your business goals.  Discover all the new features to help you streamline your customer relationship management including: rapid deployment, simplified workflow and up-to-the minute reporting. 

Watch as Neudesic transforms your off the shelf Microsoft Dynamics CRM system into a vertically tailored solution in minutes.


Kick-Starting Microsoft’s Hosted CRM Solution with NeuLive Webinar
Tues., Apr. 15, 2008
11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific Time


May 20th – Introducing the ABCs of WCF, Presented by Rick Garibay

This session will provide an introduction to Service Orientated Architecture along with the fundamentals of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), the premier framework for building service oriented applications in .NET 3.0 and .NET 3.5. The WCF API unifies messaging, ASMX Web Services, .NET Remoting and COM+ Enterprise Services into a single programming model that makes true service orientation tenable.

Content, code samples and live demos will be provided to build a foundational understanding on SOA and familiarize the audience with the core concepts and techniques of WCF.


Introducing the ABCs of WCF Webinar
Tues., May 20, 2008
11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific Time


June 17th – Silverlight: Enabling Your Next Generation Web-Experience, Presented by Rich Weston

Silverlight is the new web technology that enables web developers to build rich interactive applications that leverage rich media and other technologies. Silverlight leverages existing technologies such as XAML, Javascript, JSON and AJAX, and has a programming model that uses languages that you are familiar with, like C#, Visual Basic, Python, and Ruby. We’ll walk through the capabilities of Silverlight 1.0 and 1.1 and demonstrate how you can get started building Silverlight apps today.


Silverlight Webinar
Tues., June 17, 2008
11:00 AM-12:00 PM Pacific Time


Additional Information:

Please contact Meghan Ryan (Marketing Coordinator, Neudesic) by phone at (877) 905-1905 or by email at meghan.ryan@neudesic.com for more information, questions or to RSVP for any of these events.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


Neudesic is a Microsoft National Systems Integrator and Gold Certified Partner with a proven track record of providing reliable, effective solutions based on Microsoft's technology platform. Please call or visit us on the web at www.neudesic.com to learn more about Neudesic's products and services.
