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SharePoint Information on Twitter

Do you browse the web for SharePoint information?  Keep an eye on RSS feeds for that next latest and greatest piece of info or tidbit that will make you more knowledgeable on all things SharePoint?

You do?  Me too!  Luckily for us, we aren’t the only ones.  Which means there is also many people out there posting information for us to find.

Twitter-logo-smallIf you use Twitter, I recommend reading Joel Oleson’s post: 101+ SharePoint People to Follow on Twitter. (don’t sweat the fact that I’m not on that list… I was hiding in the shadows when said list was created). There are a lot of SharePoint folks who post ‘tweets’ in the Twitterverse, and that list covers the majority of them.  If you need that 102nd person to follow after Joel’s list: I’m @sharepointcomic

What if you don’t use Twitter, or you find it a little difficult to hash through all of the ‘noise’? I’ve heard this complaint from several people before, and the noise pushes them away from Twitter.  Well, the sad part is that if you don’t use it, there really is a lot of great information that you may miss out on.  As you are one of my dear 7 readers, I don’t want you to miss out.

Now, I’ll be completely honest.  Very rarely have I seen a single 140 character tweet that solves all the world’s problems, or explain SharePoint for that matter.  When the tweets become extremely informative and useful for SharePoint (in my opinion anyway), are when the tweets post a link to an external source. Such as:

This morning I started thinking of a way to extract this information from Twitter, and it occurred to me it was much simpler than I was making it.  1. Do a search  2. Save the Search’s RSS feed

So, if you were to use the Advanced Search for Twitter: https://search.twitter.com/advanced with a criteria of:

image  image

You would get the following information (and pretty good information):


Now you can grab the RSS feed for this search knowing it produces informative SharePoint info, and subscribe to this feed in your favorite RSS Reader.  Viola, you have a great source of SharePoint information from Twitter, without directly using Twitter.

