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Part 7 : SCOM 2012 R2 HealthService Event Reference / HealthManager


Severity=Error Message=Get the snapshot of current health states for selected instance failed with error: %7 %n%nInstance ID: %6 %nManagement Group ID: %5

Severity=Error Message=Get the state of the monitor failed with error: %8 %n%nMonitor ID: %7 %nInstance ID: %6 %nManagement Group ID: %5

Severity=Warning Message=One of the state change notification rules failed to process state change request %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to generate string representing post pending data item(s) This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to persist string representing post pending data item(s) This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to retrieve previously persisted data This data may be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to store post pending data item(s), created from previously persisted string, internally This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to store post pending data item(s) internally while acknowledgement for previous post was pending delivery This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=In memory container (%1) had to drop data because it reached max limit Possible data loss

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to store post pending data item(s) internally while no subscribed module was present This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to persist post pending data item(s) while shutting down local health service This data will be lost %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

EventID=5209 Severity=Warning Message=Failed to store at least one posted data item internally It will be lost if acknowledgement is not delivered for original post %n%nManagement Group ID: %2 %nData item type: %1

Severity=Error Message=Local health service is not healthy Entity state change flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Success Message=Entity state change flow in local health service resumed %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Error Message=Local health service is not healthy Monitor state change flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Success Message=Monitor state change flow in local health service resumed %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Error Message=Local health service is not healthy Alert flow is stalled with pending acknowledgement %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Success Message=Alert flow in local health service resumed %n%nManagement Group: %2 %nManagement Group ID: %1

Severity=Warning Message=A rule has generated %6 alerts in the last %7 seconds Usually, when a rule generates this many alerts, it is because the rule definition is misconfigured Please examine the rule for errors In order to avoid excessive load, this rule will be temporarily suspended until %8 %nRule: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1

Severity=Warning Message=Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert %n%nAlert: %6 %nWorkflow: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1 %n%nFailing replacement: %7 EventID=5401 Severity=Warning Message=Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change %n%nWorkflow: %7 %nInstance: %8 %nInstance ID: %5 %nManagement Group: %6 %n%nFailing replacement: %4

Severity=Warning Message=Parameter replacement during creation of the alert failed causing unexpected suppression used %n%nAlert: %6 %nWorkflow: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1 %n%nFailing replacement: %7

Severity=Warning Message=Invalid value for alert priority used with configuration of the rule It was outside of allowed range and had to be adjusted to closest valid value %n%nAlert: %5 %nWorkflow: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1 %n%nUsed priority value: %6

Severity=Warning Message=Invalid value for alert severity used with configuration of the rule It was outside of allowed range and had to be adjusted to closest valid value %n%nAlert: %5 %nWorkflow: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1 %n%nUsed severity value: %6

Severity=Warning Message=Incorrect value for health state was used while overriding monitor property ‘DefaultState’ It was not recognized and monitor registration will fail until it is corrected %nManagement Group: %5 %nManagement Group ID: %1 %nInstance: %7 %nInstance ID: %2 %nMonitor: %6 %n%nMonitor ID: %3 %n%nRequested State: %4

Severity=Success Message=Invalid value for health state was used while overriding monitor property ‘DefaultState’ It was outside of allowed range and had been adjusted to use state ‘Success’ %nManagement Group: %5 %nManagement Group ID: %1 %nInstance: %7 %nInstance ID: %2 %nMonitor: %6 %n%nMonitor ID: %3 %n%nRequested State: %4

Severity=Error Message=Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in rule unload %n%nAlert: %6 %nWorkflow: %2 %nInstance: %3 %nInstance ID: %4 %nManagement Group: %1 %n%nFailing replacement: %7

Severity=Error Message=Failed to replace parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change It was possibly caused by incorrect XPATH and will result in monitor unload %n%nWorkflow: %7 %nInstance: %8 %nInstance ID: %5 %nManagement Group: %6 %n%nFailing replacement: %4 EventID=5500 Severity=Informational Message=Frequent state change requests caused the incoming state change request to be dropped due to it being older than the currently recorded state change for this monitor This could also be due to an invalid configuration for this monitor %n%nAffected monitor: %9 %nInstance: %10 %nInstance ID: %2 %nManagement Group: %8 %n%nRequest generated time: %4 %nRequested state: %6 %n%nRecorded time: %5 %nRecorded state %7

Source : Part 7 : SCOM 2012 R2 HealthService Event Reference / HealthManager