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Choosing The Right Device For The Right Person.

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Persona is not a word I would normally use when having the headset discussion with a customer. However, a recent conversation with Julie Jass and Laura Neidel from Plantronics has enlightened me to why this is such an important topic to consider. And, why it is important to highlight in a detailed blog such as this why you should consider personas in your planning.

In the past when a company wanted to buy a headset for a Universal Communications (UC) client, they would contact their devices vendor, have them bring along a varied selection of headsets, maybe have a "devices bar” and purchase headsets that seem to satisfy the masses. The problem with this approach is that a certain few that wanted that one specific headset model would use them legitimately. The rest of the users would throw them in a box where the cords would get mixed together, a pain to untangle, and eventually broken. In summary, a waste of money.

As you read that last paragraph, the thought may have occurred to you that not everyone will use the same headset, so why would the company purchase so many of the same kind. We don't need to justify the reason other than say it may have been easier, a purchasing agent made the final decision, or ultimately no one thought to stand back and analyze what people really wanted.

That was then. Nowadays headset models, features, colors, etc. come in many flavors and are nearly as numerous as the devices they connect to. In many cases, people have more than one headset to use based on what they are doing. For example, I have a Digital Enhanced Cordless Technologies (DECT) headset to use when I am in calls that don't require interaction. This headset provides a hi-fidelity connection and a long enough reception range for me to roam my house and yard.  The range is simply amazing. However, if I am out and about I wear my over the ear Bluetooth device. When back in my company office I may choose to use the speaker phone device or an Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) Headset if the office becomes noisy.

It would be easy to say that each use case should be the deciding factor when purchasing headsets, but if that were true, each user would require more than one type. Most organizations are not going to purchase multiple devices for each individual.

This is where personas enter into the conversation. The word "persona,” has many definitions. In the realm of Intelligent Communications however, it can be loosely defined as "The intersection of Job Function and Usage Profile.” In more basic terms, what does each user do (job function) and how do they communicate (usage profile). The Microsoft Skype Operations Framework or SOF (now rebranded as MyAdvisor), identifies eight personas and includes a Persona Workshop to help companies group their employees by persona. Together these personas make up 90% of a company's workforce.

Based on research by UniComm Consulting, SOF defines the following eight personas for unified communications users:

Collaboration (On-Premises Mobile)

Field (Cell & Wi-Fi Mobile)

Contact Center (Desk)

Retail (On-Premises Mobile)

Info Processing (Desk)

Production (On-Premises Mobile)

Administration (Desk, On-Premises Mobile)

Executives / Mgt. (Mobile On-Premises & Field)

Collaboration (On-Premises Mobile)

Definition:  Mobile onsite at corporate office, but rarely at their desk

Audio Device Recommendations:

Bluetooth headset with noise cancellation for audio calls which can pair to PC, smartphone, and tablet

USB ‘hockey puck’ for impromptu conference calls and audio calls



Field (Cell & Wi-Fi Mobile)

Definition: Predominantly work outside of the office or organizational location

Audio Device Recommendations:

Bluetooth headset with noise cancellation for audio calls which can pair to PC, smartphone, and tablet


Contact Center (Desk)


100% connected to voice communications on the corporate network dedicated to inbound or outbound queues

Almost always working from a wired desk, whether office or home

Audio Device Recommendations:

Noise cancelling device

Hands-free devices: Headset that connects to phone or PC via USB to PC


Retail (On-Premises Mobile)


Primary job is serving customers on premise with no assigned workspace, PC, or phone

Communication is on retail floor

Audio Device Recommendations:

Common area phone for general use

Potential use for kiosk device with audio/video


Info Processing (Desk)


Operational role to process transactions for core business via defined workflows (CRM, ERP, etc)

Communication is at their desk (office, home, off-shore)

Audio Device Recommendations:

Basic single-line or multi-line phone

If phone not needed on desk, basic USB headset or  Bluetooth/DECT headset with noise cancellation if in noisy environment



Production (On-Premises Mobile)


Stream of activities to produce organization’s products or services (many have physical aspect)

Few have an assigned desk, most are mobile within premises, some are mobile in a territory

Audio Device Recommendations:

Basic single-line or multi-line phone common area phone for general use

Bluetooth or DECT headsets to use with mobile devices


Administration (Desk, On-Premises Mobile)


Provides organizational and functional support including Managers, Execs, Key Staff

Generally works in the corporate office

Performs complex, often unstructured communication tasks

Audio Device Recommendations:

Multi-line desk phone

Bluetooth / DECT Headset for PC VoIP application & mobile phone



Executives / Mgt. (Mobile On-Premises & Field)


Reviews and directs work of others with significant time in horizontal communication

Location of work takes place in the office, remote, and externally with customers

Audio Device Recommendations:

Multi-line desk phone

Bluetooth/ DECT Headset for PC VoIP application & mobile phone



Executive conference room device




As you can see there is some overlap in the device recommendation amongst the different personas. Choosing the right device to the right person is key for effective Intelligent Communications as well as a great User Experience. For more information on Intelligent Communications Personas, visit Microsoft’s MyAdvisor (formerly SOF),as well as Jabra's,  Plantronics', and  Sennheiser's device recommendations hyper-linked below.

Jabra: Choose the right Headset Plantronics: Choose the Right Headset Sennheiser: Choose the Right Headset


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