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The Windows Communication Foundation Line-of-Business System Adapter for SAP is available as Evaluation Version

The Windows Communication Foundation Line-of-Business System Adapter for SAP is available as Evaluation Version

Microsoft published an evaluation version of the new adapter for SAP on https://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/en/us/adapter-pack.aspx. This adapter ships as part of BizTalk Server 2006 R2 but it can also be used directly from Visual Studio without using BizTalk Server, a standalone adapter pack is also available. The adapter can connect to SAP systems from 4.6C up to the newest releases and communicates with the SAP system via RFC, BAPI, tRFC, and IDoc. The connectivity to SAP is based on the librfc32.dll from SAP. More information can be found at Mustansir Doctors blog (https://blogs.msdn.com/mdoctor/). The adapter pack also includes an adapter for Siebel and an adapter for Oracle DB. In the next week we will publish a new Office Business Application Sample Application for SAP and Siebel which uses the adapter on https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/cc442491.aspx; as soon as the kit is published on MSDN I will blog about it. The adapter offers the following features:

Features Metadata:

• Browsing SAP artifacts

– RFCs and their Functional areas

– Transactional RFCs and their Functional areas

– BAPIs and their Functional areas

– IDoc types, release numbers and IDoc operations

• Searching SAP artifacts

– RFCs and Transactional RFCs


– IDoc types

• Generating metadata (schemas) of SAP artifacts

– RFCs and Transactional RFCs for client and RFC server scenarios

– BAPIs (surfaced as operations)

– IDocs and IDoc operations

Features Runtime:

• RFCs

– Invoking RFCs

– Invoking RFCs via the transactional RFC interface

– Receiving events from SAP via the RFC server interface

– Receiving events from SAP via the transactional RFC server interface


– Invoking BAPIs using the RFC interface

– Supporting the BAPI transaction model for BizTalk and non-BizTalk scenarios

• IDocs

– Sending and receiving IDocs using strongly typed IDoc schemas

– Sending and receiving IDocs using generic IDoc RFC schemas

– Sending and receiving IDocs using strings

If you have questions about the adapter feel free to drop us a mail.

- Juergen