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SCSM 2012 SP1 DW Management server installation fails with error: "An Error occurred while executing a custom action:_ConfigureAnalysisServer"


I recently gone through an issue where the SCSM 2012 Sp1 Data Warehouse installation was failing with the following error.

"An Error occurred while executing a custom action:_ConfigureAnalysisServer"

Reviewed the installation logs and found the following log information.

ConfigureAnalysisServer error: Errors in the metadata manager. The '\\?\f:\SQLDATA\DWDATA' storage location of the 'DWASDataBase' database can not be located under the server data directory.
StackTrace: at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesClient.SendExecuteAndReadResponse(ImpactDetailCollection impacts, Boolean expectEmptyResults, Boolean throwIfError)
   at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesClient.Alter(IMajorObject obj, ObjectExpansion expansion, ImpactDetailCollection impact, Boolean allowCreate, XmlaWarningCollection warnings)
   at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.Update(IMajorObject obj, UpdateOptions options, UpdateMode mode, XmlaWarningCollection warnings, ImpactDetailCollection impactResult)
   at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server.SendUpdate(IMajorObject obj, UpdateOptions options, UpdateMode mode, XmlaWarningCollection warnings, ImpactDetailCollection impactResult)
   at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.MajorObject.Update(UpdateOptions options, UpdateMode mode, XmlaWarningCollection warnings)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.Setup.ReportingManagedCAs.CreateDatabase(Server svr, String DatabaseName, String DatabaseDataDir)
   at Microsoft.Reporting.Setup.ReportingManagedCAs.ConfigureAnalysisServerCA(Session session)  
NOTE: custom action _ConfigureAnalysisServer unexpectedly closed the hInstall handle (type MSIHANDLE) provided to it. The custom action should be fixed to not close that handle.
CustomAction _ConfigureAnalysisServer returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

Resolution :

This can occur if you try to create SQL Analysis Server database in a separate folder in the data directory. Hence while installation, select the default directory for SQL analysis service database store.

This may be applicable to SCSM 2012 R2 Data Warehouse installation. 


Santosh Killekar - Support Engineer (System Center)

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