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Writing a simple Internet Explorer Accelerator

With the release of Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), there is some new functionality that enables a developer to extend the browser pretty easily.  One of my particular favorites is the ability to create accelerators.  Accelerators allow a user to invoke a service from another site based on the text selected in the current page.  Some examples of accelerators that are available by default include:

  • Take what ever text is selected and search on Bing
  • Select an address and see the map inline with Bing Maps
  • Select text in a foreign language and translate it on the fly (below is an on the fly translation from the Al Jazeera site)


Read the full post on Joe Shirey’s blog at https://www.joeshirey.com/2009/09/04/WritingASimpleInternetExplorerAccelerator.aspx