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Playing Smart Devices...

Well, the main project I was working on suffered a minor setback when the HDD on the box died.  Until that get's settled I get to work with a smartphone on a cool little project.  Unfortunately the smartphone also had it in for me. :)  I got the following error:

Error 1 The device security configuration disallowed the connection. Ensure that you have the appropriate certificates on your device for development. Review your SDK documentation for proper security settings for connecting to this device. Device Connectivity Component

This error was quickly suppressed by doing the solution found here: https://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=23899&SiteID=1. (I reinstalled vs_emulator.exe instead of going to the download site).

I figured I'd mention all of this since I've been finding the "Answer" feature of the forums really really nice. It's saved me a lot of time reading through all of the posts. Props to whoever is responsible for putting that feature together.