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Robert Hensing’s Incident Response Blog – Reloaded

After nearly 7 years in Product Support Services helping our customers on issues ranging from debugging IIS failures, to identifying performance issues to helping customers with security investigations I have taken on a new challenge and accepted a job in the Security Business and Technology Unit working for the SWI team (Secure Windows Initiative).


My career at Microsoft initially had me working reactively with customers at a 1:1 level and while it was immensely satisfying and a great learning experience – near the end I had an intense desire to reach more people and to scale out so to speak.  This is largely what made me turn to blogging. 


As a member of the SWI team, I feel I will be getting that opportunity (although indirectly) as I will be working closely with the MSRC during the security bulletin development process.  Specifically, I’ll be helping them identify possible workarounds to security vulnerabilities so that they can be tested, verified and documented in the bulletins by the time they go live so that our customers can use them (if necessary) until the security updates can be applied.


This is definitely a change in focus for me, but I’m incredibly excited about it.  However, as you can see I can, unfortunately, no longer really blog about Windows incident response topics with any sort of authoritative first-hand knowledge since I will no longer be helping to develop new incident response techniques or be doing incident response as my primary job.  I’ve asked the PSS Security team not to give up on blogging and my hope is that they will create a team blog that all members can use to pick up where I am leaving off – if this happens – I will post the details and a referral URL here.


Going forward I am going to repurpose my blog and use it to talk about one of the most fascinating teams in Microsoft – the Secure Windows Initiative team.  This team is responsible for one of the most important policies we have ever enforced – the Security Development Lifecycle - the development process by which all new products must go through.  But what’s really interesting is that this is the team within Microsoft that just about no one (externally) has heard about – yet they have some pretty unbelievably important tasks.


We have recently published a very lengthy and a surprisingly in-depth look into how we have been developing software over the last few years (although it is a process designed to be continually improved and thus this process has evolved since its conception).


Maintaining and enforcing the SDL is one of the core tasks of the SWI team, so without further adieu I give to you the SDL:




  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I've read quite a bit re: the SDL as of late in the universe.First, we put out this doc which talks...
  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2005
    I really enjoyed the current topic and have learned a lot from your blog. I hope you're able to get both teams to create a blog so there would be even more content and we'd have the best of both worlds. Regardless, congrats on the transfer and I'm looking forward to learning more in this area too.
  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2005
    I assume this means a move to WA, so welcome to the mothership! You'll be here just in time for the tulip festival.
  • Anonymous
    March 23, 2005
    Nope - I'm one of the few and the proud that is trusted enough to work remotely. :)
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Robert, we'll be sad to see you go. You've been a great contributor to the world of Windows IR.


    H. Carvey
    "Windows Forensics and Incident Recovery"
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Thanks everyone for the support and kind words!
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Can you drop DCOM, Netbios from Longhorn ? Your job and my job will be much easier then.
  • Anonymous
    March 24, 2005
    Um, shouldn't that be
    "Robert Hensing’s Incident Response Blog – Unloaded"
    "Robert Hensing's Secure Windows Initiative Blog - Reloaded"?

    The only problem is that when the Event Viewer says the old one couldn't be unloaded, no one can figure out if that was due to an incident or not.