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ISV best practices, Corrupted Heap Termination, the pursuit of (security) happiness . . .

MikeHow just wrote a brief write-up of some of the things our new heap manager on Vista is capable of detecting at runtime over at the SDL blog: https://blogs.msdn.com/sdl/archive/2008/06/06/corrupted-heap-termination-redux.aspx

As with the Low Fragmentation Heap - you can opt-in to that stuff by calling the HeapSetInformation() API and passing in the handle to your heap (or any heap in your process for that matter).

Speaking of opting-in to various good for security things - here's a great write-up from Matt Thomlinson and the aforementioned Mikehow from last year: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb430720.aspx

The paper has a nice write-up of the following mitigation technologies in Windows for the every (wo)man:

/GS Stack buffer overrun detection.

/SafeSEH exception handling protection.

No eXecute (NX) / Data Execution Prevention (DEP) / eXecute Disable (XD).

Address space layout randomization (ASLR).

Heap randomization.

Stack randomization.

Heap corruption detection.