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I'm a PC and I fight for the users . . .

Tron Guy makes a cameo in our "I'm a PC" video wall: https://media.lifewithoutwalls.com/ugc/t/r/o/tronguy/tronguy_336_252.wmv

Here's the algorithm for finding direct links to videos based on user name: https://media.lifewithoutwalls.com/ugc/\[1st letter of username]/[2nd letter of username]/[3rd letter of username]/[username]/username]_336_252.wmv (thanks for the tip Jiri)

I sort of like the video wall (and no the irony of having a video wall for a 'Life without walls' campaign has not escaped me) . . . its fun watching some of the videos and it reminds me a bit of DeepLOL (zoom in with the mouse wheel or by clicking with the mouse on the pic)