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A user authored guide to macros: WSRMacros: The User Guide

Many of you know that we've been working on our Windows Speech Recognition Macros utility for a while now.

We released the first technical preview in April, a refresh in August/September, and we're continuing to refine the technology that will ultimately lead to a full release sometime soon.

One of the difficulties users have faced is good documentation for WSR Macros. We're working on completing our documentation and will include it with the product in the future, but we're not quite done yet.

But ... A macro enthusiast in the community has come to rescue for WSR Macros users.

Enter Brad Trott (from Marty Markoe's mymsspeech.com web site) and his latest efforts: WSRMacros: The User Guide.

WSRMacros: The User Guide is a 70 page electronic book chock full of insightful thoughts and ideas on how to use Windows Speech Recognition Macros.

If you're curious how to build powerful macros, and you have $9.95 to spare, it's likely well worth it to purchase your very own copy here.

You can also see other products mymsspeech.com offers for Windows Speech Recognition (including instructional videos, toolkits, voice recorders, and some of the best microphones you can find on the web) here.