Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Tuesday, July 22, 2014
- Dr. Dobbs: A Classic Example That Off-The-End Iterators Can Simplify
- Matthew Katakam: ASP.NET MVC Edit Primary Key Values for Composite Keys
- Writing Code that Writes Code
- Ann Robson: Make It Great: Refactoring That’s Smart and Satisfying
- This Week On Channel 9: Kinect for Windows v2, Unified Windows Dev Portal, IoT and more...
- Practical .NET: Leveraging User Mental Models To Create Effective User Interfaces
- Raymond Chen: The alternate story of the time one of my colleagues debugged a line-of-business application for a package delivery service
- Sam Xu: Open complex type step by step with Web API 2.2 for OData v4.0
- Steven Gates: Using Boost Libraries in Windows Store and Phone Applications
- CodeChat: Jason Short (The Cloud)