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Connected devices will steal phones' thunder, ABI predicts

From Windows for Devices,

"Today, wireless handsets [indeed] rule the roost," ABI analyst Michael Morgan states. Of the 1.2 billion mobile devices shipments in 2009, the vast majority were phones, with stand-alone cellular modems accounting for only 60 million, and "other mobile devices" -- apparently defined as MIDs (mobile internet devices), UMPCs (ultra-mobile PCs) or netbooks that include 3G connectivity -- just 40 million, according to the firm.

But, adds ABI Research, handset shipments actually decreased during 2008 and 2009 due to the global recession. At the same time, cellular modems and other mobile devices actually "grew very aggressively," the firm adds.

Morgan writes, "Handset sales are growing at only 4 percent, while cellular modem shipments are expected to grow by 40 percent annually, and ultra mobile devices by 67 percent. These newer categories represent very attractive market opportunities and new revenue streams for operators."

I agree with the conclusion drawn at Windows for Devices:

“It's connectivity that counts most, not the device that provides it”

Besides making phone calls:-), the killer app for me on my mobile phone is the ability to use it as a modem, i.e. accessing the connectivity.  The modem connection isn’t the fastest but it is good enough for email and basic web browsing.  I am definitely looking forward to 4G device connectivity!!!