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You know I've been posting my favorite links to https://del.icio.us/rido, but this one is a good...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/29/2005

MockObjects again

Finally my article about TDD, MockObjects and Dependency Injection is updated to this new URL:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/28/2005

Unit Test Rules

Michael Feathers has posted a set of Unit Tests Rules...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/21/2005

How to learn Design Patterns

Jeremy D. Miller talks in his blog about how to learn and apply Design...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/03/2005

Look at this code !!

At the beginning of this blog I started to submit intersting URL, or sites I don't want to forget....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 09/01/2005

My first MSDN Article is online

My first article for microsoft.com is online. MockObjects y TDD en .Net Framework It has been...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 08/10/2005

Code Snippets Reference

In VS2003 I've been using AutoCode AddIn https://www.devprojects.net/autocode20.aspx to speed-up the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/18/2005

What is Simian?

Latest versions of Cruise Control .Net includes a template to render Simian Reports. Last week I've...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/10/2005

Online Code Translator (AJAX based)

Ajax is becoming a popular technology, here is a nice implementation that allows you to convert from...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/09/2005

Online note tracker

There are a lot of tools out there to edit web content online, from blog editors, calendars or note...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/04/2005

Jim Highsmith answers Objections to Agile Development

Jim Highsmith wrote this article: Objections to Agile Development one year ago, I loved this paper,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 07/01/2005


I've been using the Reflector AddIns to extract dependency graphs to help to undestand code that I...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/29/2005

Biztalk Instrumentation

Tomorrow I have to design an instrumentation pattern to use with BTS 2004, here is a post talking...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/27/2005

MSN Query Search Reference

I've been using MSN Search in my desktop, finally I has found this handy query reference...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/27/2005

AJAX for NET 2.0

The Asynchronous Javascript and Xml Pattern for dynamic web apps has a new implementation fot .Net...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/21/2005

ILMerge: New tool to merge assemblies

ILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly. It works on...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/17/2005

NLog: New .Net log engine

You know I've been working with logs for some time.....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/17/2005

Orchestration Patterns

via https://martinfowler.com I've found a draft of the upoming book: Orchestration Patterns....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/08/2005

MSN to Begin Charging for Hotmail Wireless Access

I've been on holidays for the last 10 days. I've been in an island, and the only device I can use...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 06/04/2005

How to UnitTest PipelineComponents

The biztalk pipeline framework define some interfaces that allows you to unit test the component...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/27/2005

Could we become agile using Biztalk?

I've read the Aaron Skonnard comments about Biztalk, it is a great resume about BTS, if you read it:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/25/2005

Do you like VS Code Regions ?

The first time I saw the feature called CodeRegions was back in the 90s, the tool was  the HotDog...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/23/2005


CodeHTMLer allows you to convert plain source code text files to HTML version of it:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/09/2005

Del.Icio.Us: Bookmarks Online Library

https://del.icio.us/ it's not only a bookmark manager, it allows to multicategorize your links with...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/07/2005


Updated (Sept2007) The code of this sample can be found at codeplex:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/07/2005

Custom TraceListener Implementation

One year ago I wrote about the tracing mechanism of .Net,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/07/2005


There has been a long time from my last post. We have been finishing a project that has take more...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 05/06/2005

The six laws of software

https://www.changethis.com/12.SixLawsSoftware .. and I'm completely agree...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/25/2005

Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications

In the last year, I've seen a number of new web applications with nice rich UI interface, and most...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/24/2005

Advanced XmlSerialization

The XmlSerializer included in the .Net Fx, has been one of my favorite's. We've suffered too much...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/23/2005

DataBinding to Enum Values

When you have an Enum variable, and you want to build a UI to let the user choose one of this...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/22/2005

Google, Open Source and Microsoft

Google employees are also bloggin, here is a nice post with a different point of view about...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/18/2005

New collection of patterns

https://patternshare.org/ check it out, and let me know waht you think about it.

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 02/16/2005

Contract First Tool

While waiting to Whidbey, we need a better tool to creating proxies for Web Services. In v1.X Fx the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 01/27/2005

I'm back

After 1 month without posts (we were shipping our last project) I'm back, with a lot of ideas to...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 01/19/2005

Wix is one of the few Microsoft open source projects, it's hosted at SourceForge under CPL licesnce....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/28/2004

Digital Signatures

I've been looking for a multibrowser solution to digital signatures from long time, and I think...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/28/2004

CSS Again

Some time ago I use to be "up-to-date" about "web programming" it includes some HTML, ClientSide...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/26/2004

System.Xml Hacking (AppendXml vs. InnerXml)

I was spending some time composing Soap Messages using System.Xml, but I found a strange behavior of...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/13/2004

VS2005 Testing Features Overview

The best overview about EDT I've found is here:...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/08/2004

MS tool for DomainSpecificLanguages

Last week @ OOPSLA I saw VS AddIn to create DSL, and now is ready to download...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/07/2004

Regional Director Code Samples

I've just found a nice collection of .Net samples...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/06/2004

XP Misunderstanding

I like www.stickyminds.com, it's one of this sites I like to come back to see what's new in the...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 11/04/2004

I'm in c2 wiki

I belive in wikis, and the number 1 is https://c2.com so I've created my own page here...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/29/2004

Amazon WS

Last day at OOPSLA has started with Allan Vermeulen, CTO of Amazon WebServices. The talk has not...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/29/2004

Amazon Office Research Page

If you are a Office 2003 user, you will find this AddIn very useful....

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

SD. Art or Science

It has been a great panel, with MartinFowler and Steve McConnel as analysts (with others I didn't...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

Concrete Languages and Virtual Platforms

I'm not a C++ guy so my advice on this session it's not very accurate. The topic covered here is...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004


The next OnWard Session was about finding bugs. Everybody knows bugs can come from requirments,...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

Example Centric Programming

It's an "OnWard" what means a short (30-45 minutes) explanation of some work in progress. Example...

Author: Rido - [MSFT] Date: 10/28/2004

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