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Six predictions for CIOs

An interesting article by ISACA: Six predictions for CIOs. Here they are:

    • Prediction 1: Cloud computing is here to stay and will become business as usual.
    • Prediction 2: Virtualization will be a catalyst that drives IT modernization.
    • Prediction 3: IT operations become service-centric and business value-focused, rather than process-driven and reactive.
    • Prediction 4: Risk management will become the friend, rather than the enemy, of the CIO.
    • Prediction 5: CIOs will automate everything, everywhere!
    • Prediction 6: The CIO role will transition from managing operations to managing IT as a service value chain.

Wow, a lot of work to do for us security professionals or how will the CIOs run their data in the cloud and how will they do risk management and how…?
