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Roger's Security Blog

As Chief Security Advisor of Microsoft EMEA - lets share interesting security information

Microsoft Security Essentials free for small businesses

I know that this is “old news” but I wanted to make sure that everybody has seen that: We will make...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/23/2010

The Risks of Pirated Software

Obviously I do not like people to steal software. Additionally, from at least two perspectives it...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/21/2010

Infosecurity Virtual Conference

The cloud – and now I mean the volcano cloud – showed that there is not always a real...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/20/2010

Interpol’s Chief’s Facebook Identity Stolen

This is one of the risks, not a lot of people look into: It is fairly easy for me to setup a...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/20/2010

Dilbert on Piracy

Just before I leave to Johannesburg: Dilbert on Piracy… he is soooo right Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/19/2010

Advisory for the ASP.NET Vulnerability

We are basically asking the industry to follow a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure and are...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/19/2010

Is There Any Value in Twitter? Yes? Think Again…

I know that this is a very provocative question but it is one I looked into since a few months. If...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/18/2010

“Chat with me” works again!

Quite a while ago, I implemented the possibility for people chatting with me via MSN Messenger on...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/17/2010

No clue what the source is but if they are right, it is scary: DRG SSH Username and Password...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/17/2010

Interesting Discussion on Social Media

Recently, we had an interesting discussion on Social Media. It actually all started with somebody...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/17/2010

The Risks of Unofficial Patches

This is quite a normal scenario: A zero-day pops up on the Internet by a security researcher....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/17/2010

Kinect Opening a Whole New Way to Live?

You hopefully know of the coolest thing we will launch this year: Kinect – our controller-less...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/16/2010

Just Installed Internet Explorer 9 Beta

I know – Beta versions are not for production but as I just run production, I installed it on my...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/15/2010

Data Governance in the Cloud

If you look at current discussions between cloud providers and customers, I see it too often that...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/15/2010

The Future of Crime

I was contacted by somebody who recently mailed with me on LinkedIn (the value of social networks )...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/14/2010

Emerging Malware Threat on Exchange

If you have not seen it, you should probably have a brief look at it. We are seeing a new worm...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/10/2010

FTC Takes Action Against Employee Bloggers

This is an interesting information: FTC Takes Action Against Employee Bloggers. I am often asked...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/09/2010

The Eleven Rules of Life

I know that they are very old but I did not know them. The oldest post I found was from 2004. People...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/09/2010

The Community is Growing

In Off to See the World I told you that we are growing the Chief Security Advisor Community and then...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/06/2010

What it takes to shut down a botnet

It hits the press from time to time that somebody was successful taking down a botnet. We had some...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 09/02/2010

Do We Really Want Privacy?

I really love reading Kim Cameron’s Identity Weblog. Fairly often it is thought provoking… He...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/26/2010

The Importance of Application Security

I think I told the story thousands of time and everybody knows it but I will do it the 1001st time...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/24/2010

The Risk of Blogging

Steve Ballmer was once asked by a journalist whether and why he allows blogging by Microsoft...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/24/2010

Am I Too Paranoid?

Sometimes I wonder whether I am too paranoid. I just got a call, which went like that: Caller:...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/18/2010

Are We Losing the Fight Against Cybercrime?

It is an interesting and difficult question. What can we do to really be able to stay on top? Or...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/17/2010

Blocking Social Media Sites–a False Sense of Security?

I blogged often about it: Blocking certain websites today can fire back in different ways. The CIO...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/14/2010

The Future of Cybercrime

If you do not know this blog, it is definitely worth looking at it from time to time: Paleo-Future....

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/11/2010

Assessing the risk of the August security updates

This month it is pretty important to read the Security Research and Defense blog post: Assessing the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/10/2010

Success against Cybercrime

I just read this article E-crime unit arrests suspected phishing gang, which shows that we are...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 08/07/2010

How to Deal With Vulnerabilities

This is always a fairly emotional theme. What is better to protect the ecosystem? Public or private...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/27/2010

Chief Security Advisor in Sweden: Magnus is back

After my overall announcement that we grow the community in Off to See the World, and Stuart Aston...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/26/2010

A new Chief Security Advisor in the UK

As you have seen in my post Off to see the World, we are hiring Chief Security Advisors all over the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/21/2010

Secunia: Apple makes the most vulnerable software in the market today

And everybody tells me how secure they are….. So,according to this article Secunia: Apple makes the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/21/2010

Doing the right thing on ID management isn't enough...

Even though it might be obvious, compliance is not only about protecting data but identities as well...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/16/2010

US Cybersecurity Research!

The Department of Homeland Security published a report on A Roadmap for Cybersecurity Research, I...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/15/2010

Blocking Social Networks? Think Again…

You know that I am not a big fan of blocking social networks within enterprises for different...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/14/2010

Support for Windows XP SP2 ends today!

I just wanted to remind you: The support for Windows XP SP2 ends today. I hope that this does not...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/13/2010

Make Your Influence Positive–Great TV Commercial

It really made me think… Roger

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/07/2010

Microsoft By Numbers

If you have not seen these numbers, they are very impressive: Microsoft by the numbers. One of the...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/04/2010

Attacks on the Windows Help and Support Center Vulnerability (CVE-2010-1885)

I blogged about the vulnerability which was publically disclosed by a researcher working for Google...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 07/02/2010

The Growth of the Tablet Market

You know that we have Tablet PCs since Windows XP and I think I did not have many PCs at Microsoft...

Author: rhalbheer Date: 06/29/2010

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