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CFC: Special issue on LANGUAGE ENGINEERING in IET Software Journal

Call for contributions


IET Software Journal (formerly known as IEE Proceedings Software)



The importance of metamodels, schemas, grammars and ontologies (or "language descriptions") is generally acknowledged by the software engineering community, but, as yet, the study of these artifacts lacks a common umbrella. Language engineering (in the context of software engineering) promotes language descriptions to first class citizens, just like programs, data (and models) based on the systematic, programmatic (e.g., rule-based) analysis and manipulation of these language descriptions. Language engineering specifically aims to explain and support the design, the reuse, the recovery, the evolution and the obsoletion of language descriptions in forward engineering, reverse engineering, re-engineering, automated engineering and evolution-enabled engineering of software as well as knowledge management of software.


Submission procedure

For all questions, please contact Ralf Lämmel at rlaemmel@gmail.com or any other guest editor.

There are two modes of submitting to the special issue.

The first mode is based on invitation of selected presentations at ATEM 2006 (3rd International Workshop on Metamodels, Schemas, Grammars and Ontologies in the Reverse Engineering context); the authors are contacted by the guest editors. Submissions in this category are supposed to extend and mature the original contributions to the informal workshop proceedings. Despite invitation, these submissions are still subject to a rigorous review process.

The second mode of submitting to the special issue is as a submission to the "open call" . The guest editors encourage such submissions very explicitly, also given the fact that scope of the special issue is more general than the scope of ATEM 2006. Hence, the second mode of submission is assumed to exercise this breadth.

The guest editors encourage potential authors to send "expressions of interest". Such communication may also be helpful in pre-assessing the suitability of a contribution for the special issue. Submission should use the LNCS style (assuming copy editing by the journal or re-formatting by the authors for the accepted papers). Submissions should be in the range of 15-30 pages. Submission format is .pdf. Please go to https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/iet for submission. (You need to create an account with Manuscript Central, if you have not created one in the past. In the web form, please make sure to click ‘yes’ to the question “Is this a special issue paper?”, and complete the title of the special issue underneath.)



· Authors submit initial manuscripts: 1 June 2007

· Guest editors return reviews to authors: 15 September 2007

· Authors submit revisions: 15 November 2007

· Guest editors return decisions to authors: 15 January 2008

· Authors submit final versions: 15 February 2008


Guest editors

· Jean-Marie Favre (University of Grenoble, France)

· Dragan Gasevic (Athabasca University, Canada)

· Ralf Lämmel (Microsoft Corp., USA)

· Andreas Winter (University of Mainz, Germany)
