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Due to BLog spamming by a certain individual

I can no longer allow unmoderated comments on my blog.

Sorry about that, but the comments have ceased to be productive and are being driven by this one vindictive user who insists on venting. I apologize to the community for this one individual ruining it for everyone.

I may nor may not spend time approving comments. We will have to see.


  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2007
    The best way to handle this guy and any others like him is to just ignore him. Don't read his comments and don't respond in any way.  I believe comments are a valuable thing and we should conduct our business as though this guy does not exist. Clint

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2007
    Well played.  Its just a pity the rest of us lose out because of that fool. Anyway, my problems are, in the main, with the traffic settings.  I can run very smoothly with all settings at maximum, but the traffic must be off.  As soon as I tweak the traffic even just a little (any of the sliders) the performance loss is huge,  To put this in perspective I go from around 25 fps to 1 fps in some views.  My hope is that SP1 addresses this.  Similarly, if I lower the graphics settings (especially auto-gen) I can start to up the traffic rates a little, but the performance loss seems disproportionate to the additional displayed graphics.  This could simply be a system resource management, but it's so close that I believe its something else. My system spec is a Quad core Q6600, BFG8800GTX, Vista 64-bit, 4Gb SLi Ready Memory on a Abit IN9 32-Max motherboard.  Its a gaming system and in the main it handles FSX well but to me the game appears to either consume/mismanage huge amounts of graphics memory (such that it crashes with an out of memory error) or there is a memory leak in there somewhere.  I'm no expert, but that's the way it feels. I do wonder how much performance loss is caused by the nVidia drivers though...  It might not (all) be the fault of FSX. Looking forward to more news of SP1.  Keep up the good work. Cheers.

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2007
    Uhmmm, I don't know what to say.  The last thing I wanted to do was ruin it for everyone.  And it looks like thats exactly what I did.  Part of it was fooling around on my part.   Anyways, if this helps...... I'll make a promise that I won't post here anymore, whether it be for good reason or for other reasons.  So Phil, I'll back right off, like back right out of here.  Like over and out.  I did get carried away, but I sure don't want to ruin it for everyone.  Good luck, hope SP1 works out, take care.  I'll restrict myself to just reading what it is thats news.  Besides, next week, I'm back at work.  I had my fun. Take it awaaaaaay boss......