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Project Rome

(last update: May 5, 2017)

Welcome to the Project Rome MSDN blog, owned and managed by the Project Rome team at Microsoft.

As the number of device, apps and services we interact with increases every day, it is becoming more complicated to be productive and get things done. With Project Rome, we are focused on providing the necessary toolkit to enable compelling new scenarios that revolve around the user - no matter what devices they are using. Project Rome is a platform for harmonizing experiences across devices and platforms, thereby driving app engagement by allowing developers to create scenarios that roam with the user across all their devices and light up at the right time, with the right context.

We are working on many exciting things and will be using this blog as a way to share our progress and communicate with developers and anyone interested in learning more. Until this point we have shared some details publicly and provided sample code through blog posts, GitHub, and other avenues - below is a unified collection of this material, and stay tuned to this blog for new announcements and releases in the future.



Blog Posts Cross-device experiences with Project Rome Going social: Project Rome, Maps, & Social Network Integration Announcing Project Rome Android SDK Project Rome for Android Update: Now with App Services Support Building a Remote Control Companion App for Android with Project Rome New Share Experience in Windows 10 Creators Update Web-to-App Linking with AppUriHandlers


Docs and Samples

SDK Samples: Project Rome Github 

MSDN: Connected apps and devices (Project "Rome")

Remote Systems UWP Samples: https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-universal-samples/tree/dev/Samples/RemoteSystems

MSDN: Web-to-app linking


Other Media

//Build 2016 talk: https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2016/B831

MS Dev Show podcast: https://msdevshow.com/2016/11/project-rome-with-shawn-henry/


Contact ProjectRomeTeam@microsoft.com

