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TechNet Web Cast Series on Project Server 2007

Christophe blogged  about the new Technet web cast series being done by Michael Jordan. For those that do not know who Mike is, he pretty much holds rock star status in the Project Server world. When he talks about Project Server people stop what the are doing and start taking notes. :-)

The series includes the following topics:

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Solution Overview and System Elements

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Solution Elements and Data Flow

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Workload Scenarios and Reference Architecture

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Network Communication

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Server Administration

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Maintenance and Monitoring

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Deployment into a SharePoint Server Intranet Farm

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 - Disaster Recovery

Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 – Virtualization


Visit Christophe’s blog for the details and then mark your calendar.
