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A quick note on manually creating DPM Catalog for SharePoint backup

… before I forget wanted to put a quick note on how to manually create DPM catalog for SharePoint 2013 item level recovery.

After you have created the protection group and created the recovery point, if you want to test item level restore, you need to wait for a day so that DPM can run its catalog generation in its own sweet time. in previous versions it was about 3 hours after the recover point creation, not sure what the exact duration is in 2012 SP1 version. Oh, by the way, if you are using System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 SP1, I highly recommend running Microsoft Update and getting RU3 patch.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Open up DPM Management Shell or PowerShell ISE and run the following script:

Import-Module DataProtectionManager
# the import Module command is only required when using PowerShell or PowerShell ISE

$hostname = hostname
Get-ProtectionGroup $hostname | Get-Datasource | Where-Object {$_.type -like "*sharepoint*"} | Start-CreateCatalog


To monitor the progress of the Job, go to your Monitoring Tab in DPM Console.

B/w backup restore SharePoint 2013 works with both HostHeader Site Collection and HostNamed SiteCollection with System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 SP1 with RU3 patch.

Hope this helps.

