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Data mining algorithms and their use cases

Hi folks,

I have compiled the comparisons and use case of OOB algorithms available within SSAS/DM for handy reference.




Use cases

Parent algorithm

Supported Values

Associate Rule

Builds rules describing which items are most likely to be  appear together in a transaction.


The rules can be used to predict the presence of an item  based on the presence of other items in a transaction.




Uses iterative techniques to group records from a dataset  into clusters containing similar characteristics.


This is useful when you want to find general groupings in  your data.



Sequence Clustering

Combination of sequence analysis and clustering, which  identifies clusters of similarly ordered events in a sequence



Clusters can be used to predict the likely ordering of  events in a sequence based on known characteristics.



Decision Trees

It’s a classification algorithm.


Works well for predictive modeling


Supports the prediction of both discrete and continuous  attributes.

Linear Regression

This algorithm is a particular configuration of the  Microsoft Decision Trees algorithm, obtained by disabling splits (the whole  regression formula is built in a single root node).


Works well for regression modeling

Decision Trees

The algorithm supports the prediction of continuous  attributes.

Time Series

algorithm uses a combination of ARIMA analysis and linear  regression based on decision trees to analyze time-related data, such as  monthly sales data or yearly profits.



Discovered patterns can be used to predict values for  future time steps. The algorithm can be customized to use either the decision  tree method, ARIMA, or both.

Linear Regression


Naive Bayes

Classification algorithm that is quick to build.


Works well for predictive modeling


The algorithm supports only discrete attributes.

Neural Network

Uses a gradient method to optimize parameters of  multilayer networks to predict multiple attributes



It can be used for classification of discrete attributes  as well as regression of continuous attributes.



Logistic Regression

This algorithm is a particular configuration of the  Microsoft Neural Network algorithm, obtained by eliminating the hidden layer


Works well for regression modeling

Neural Network

Supports the prediction of both discrete and continuous  attributes.