Expand Accordion Panes On Mouse Over Header
This is a common requirement I see among users of the accordion ,
How do I Open Accordion Panes OnMouseOver of the header and Not on header Click ?
The answer is pretty simple .
Lets walk through this :
a) Setup your Accordion
<ajaxToolkit:Accordion ID="Accordion1" runat="server" ContentCssClass="grey"
FadeTransitions="false" FramesPerSecond="25" TransitionDuration="250"
HeaderCssClass="dimgreen" EnableViewState="true">
b) Each of the accordion header Pane will have a <SPAN> tag setup for the header.
On MouseOver of the Span Tag , we will open the Accordion Pane .
<ajaxToolkit:AccordionPane runat="server" ID="PaneOne">
<span onmouseover="Openpane('0',event)">Accordion</span>
<br />
<br />
Expand Accordion Panes on Mouse Over :: Pane 1
<br />
<br />
The Span's onmouseover event is handled by the Openpane Function.
c) The javaScript Function Openpane .
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function Openpane(paneIndex,eventElement) {
var behavior = $get("Accordion1").AccordionBehavior;
Download Complete Example :
September 10, 2007
PingBack from http://msdnrss.thecoderblogs.com/2007/09/10/expand-accordion-panes-on-mouse-over-header/Anonymous
November 07, 2007
Doesnt seem to work when used in web user controls, any idea how to get it working?Anonymous
February 12, 2008
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function Openpane(paneIndex,eventElement) { var behavior = $get("<% =Me.Accordion1.ClientId %>").AccordionBehavior; behavior.set_SelectedIndex(paneIndex); } </script> THis should do it if you can accept an inline rendering of the clientidAnonymous
February 19, 2008
Great stuff by the way to use with a web user control add another input param to the javascript method and pass in <%= Accordion1.ClientID %> then use this param as in the $get Hope this helpsAnonymous
March 07, 2008
This works for the whole width of the accordion header, if you use the <div></div> tags instead of span. Otherwise it just works over the text of the header.Anonymous
July 10, 2008
Great, this saved me some time. Thanks -b