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Data Collection Requirements for Performance Monitor

All Servers

Please ensure that the instructions in https://support.microsoft.com/kb/281884 are followed on each server. This will allow for the Process ID value to be included as part of the process monitor data that is being captured.

Download the counters.zip file.  Inside this zip you will find 3 text files that contain the counters we are going to feed to the logman command below.  Save the appropriate text file to a temporary folder on each server. WFE_Moss2007.txt should be saved to the WFE servers. SQL_Moss2007.txt should be saved to the SQL server(s). Index_Moss2007.txt should be saved to the Index server.

From a command line change to the temporary folder and issue the following commands. This will need to be repeated on every server in the farm. Please change C:\PerfLogs to a directory with the appropriate disk space on the server. Please use an account that has administrative access to the server in order to ensure that we have access to the appropriate counters. Change the domain\userid in the appropriate section of the command below. When you run the command you will be prompted for the password to the account you specify. Change the WFE_Moss2007.txt to the appropriate file for the server you are currently working on.

The command should resemble the following:

Baseline counter:

logman create counter Perf_Baseline -s %COMPUTERNAME% -o C:\PerfLogs\Perf_Baseline_%COMPUTERNAME%.blg -f bin -v mmddhhmm -cf WFE_MOSS2007.txt -si 00:00:30 -cnf 12:00:00 -u "domain\userid" *

After the above command is successful please run the following command:

logman start Perf_Baseline -s %COMPUTERNAME%

Incident counter:

logman create counter Perf_Incident -s %COMPUTERNAME% -o C:\PerfLogs\Perf_Incident_%COMPUTERNAME%.blg -f bin -v mmddhhmm -cf WFE_MOSS2007.txt -si 00:00:05 -max 500 -u "domain\userid" *

We have defined two (2) sets of counters to be used: Perf_Baseline & Perf_Incident. The baseline counter should be running 24x7 on each server. This will allow us to capture baseline performance data so that we have something against which to evaluate any changes.

When an incident occurs, we will need to capture more fine-grained data. For that purpose, we have defined an Incident-based counter to be used. This is identical to the baseline counter except that it samples more frequently. Due to the increased sample rate, it will collect more data faster than the baseline counter. We will need to be diligent with respect to maintaining sufficient disk space to accommodate incident-based captures. Microsoft will only use this counter set during an incident/outage and only for the minimal time necessary. Once the incident-based data has been collected, the customer may turn off the incident counters. However, the baseline counters should continue to be run 24x7 until further notice.

To start the incident based counter, issue the following command from a command line prompt:

logman start Perf_Incident -s %COMPUTERNAME%

If you are starting the counter local to the machine in question, %COMPUTERNAME% will expand to the appropriate value; otherwise, you will need to specify the NetBIOS name of the computer.

We need to ensure that the data is being collected properly for both counters. We already started the Perf_Baseline counters in step 4 above. Please run the following command on each server to start the Perf_Incident counter:

logman start Perf_Incident -s %COMPUTERNAME%

Wait 10 minutes and then stop both counters on all servers by issuing the following commands:

logman stop Perf_Incident -s %COMPUTERNAME%

logman stop Perf_Baseline -s %COMPUTERNAME%

Zip up the sample that was collected since the counters were started into a file called Sample_ServerName.zip and upload them to the Support Engineer. Start the Perf_Baseline and let it run until given further instructions.

logman start Perf_Baseline -s %COMPUTERNAME%

Please upload the data on the schedule given to you by the Support Engineer.