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Windows Intune Wave D introduskjonskurs

Onsdag 9 januar 2013 klokken 0830-1200 arrangerer vi et Windows Intune introduskjonskurs for partnere i auditoriet hos Microsoft Norge.


Vi ønsker at så mange nye, potensielle og eksisterende Intune partnere deltar, og alle er velkommen.


Påmelding sendes på mail til arneh@microsoft.com og siste frist for påmelding er mandag 7/1 2013.  



0830 – 0900 Registrering og kaffe

0900 – 0910 Velkommen til Windows Intune Wave D

Arne Hartmann, Produktsjef Windows

0910 – 0940 Windows Intune Wave D – What is new?

Windows Intune Evolution, Key Customer Scenarios, Unified Management Solution - Integration with SCCM 2012 SP1, New Features in Wave D

Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional


0940 – 1010 Demo of the Wave D Console

General Overview, Configuring Mobile Device Management and the new enhanced Security Features,

Configuring Software packages for deployment to W8, RT, WP8, iOS & Android platforms, customising your portal, reports

Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional


1010 – 1025 Break


1025 – 1045 User Experience: – software self-service, Susan Smith

RT Device, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 PC, iOS Devices, Android Device
Susan Smith, Windows Intune Technical Solutions Professional


1045 – 1115 Selling Windows Intune

How to purchase and how to sell. Licensing.

Thomas Spångberg, Windows Intune Sales Manager


1115 – 1200 Lunch and discussions