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MPN partner brief- referat og presentasjonen fra desember

Tusen takk til alle som deltok på MPN partner brief onsdag 10. desember. Mauro Mussoi presenterte partner fordelen Partner Technical Services for oss.

More than 7000 MPN Partners in Europe are currently benefiting from the Technical Presales and Advisory Assistance (free of charge) included in the Gold, Silver and MAPS programs.

Depending on the current competency associated to their MPN partnership, MPN partners can engage with Partner Technical Services for joining technical 1:many live-online sessions dedicated to understanding how to use the most up-to-date Microsoft technologies and services. They can receive technical support directly from Microsoft when dealing with sales opportunity related to their customers, or during the deployment phase. They can also engage asking for 1:1 deep-dive technical sessions, to discuss in deep the details about Microsoft technologies and services.

Objective of the services offered is to help MPN partners selling & deploying their MS-based solutions.



  • Partner Technical Services- Mauro Mussoi
    • The organization

    • The services

    • How/when to engage (contact details

    • What to expect

    • Success stories

Oppdatering fra Microsoft:

  • Office 365 som plattform produkt- Christina Wahlberg

  • NIC- Justine Javelosa

  • Worldwide Partner Conference- Carine Blyverket


Vedlagt er presentasjonen. Neste MPN partner brief er 14. januar og da skal vi snakke om SQL 2014. Oppdatert agenda kommer her.


God jul og godt nytt år.

MPN brief desember ppt.pptx