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Performance Point Server 2007 - mit Service Pack 2 willkommen bei Hyper-V und SQL 2008

Mit dem Service Pack 2 ermöglichen wir eine höhereAbfragegeschwindigkeit der PerformancePoint Server Scorecards, Unterstützung für SQL Server 2008, erweiterte Kompatibilität mit Windows Server 2008, einschließlch Unterstützung für Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V. Diese Erweiterungen erhöhen die Stabilität des PerformancePoint Server 2007, damit Unternehmen noch effektiver ihre Geschäftsvorgänge analysieren, darstellen und planen können. Für mehr Informationen zum Service Pack 2, hier  Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007 auf TechNet.


hier schon mal eine nähere Übersicht der Neuerungen:

What’s new in PerformancePoint Server 2007 with Service Pack 2?


Important Information

SQL Server 2008 support now included in PerformancePoint Server 2007, SP2.

Pleaseinstall SQL Server 2005 SP2 before installing SQL Server 2008.

The Show Details action is now available for PerformancePoint Server reports using data stored in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services.

Show Details provides quick access to details for dashboard consumer: simply right-click in a cell or on a chart value to see the transaction-level details

PerformancePoint Server 2007 with SP2 now supports Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V.

Hyper-V creates new opportunities for server virtualization. You can use Hyper-V to make more efficient use of system hardware and host operating system resources to reduce the overhead associated with virtualization.

Use PerformancePoint Server Dashboard Designer on computers running .NET Framework 3.5 alongside .NET Framework 2.0.

Please install .NET Framework 2.0 before installing .NET Framework 3.5.

You can now use PerformancePoint Server with domains that have apostrophes in their names

Provides more domain name flexibility.

In previous versions of PerformancePoint Server, when a domain name included an apostrophe, the configuration tool failed for both Planning Server and Monitoring Server.

Scorecard key performance indicator (KPI) queries are improved.

Timeout errors no longer occur with scorecard key performance indicators (KPIs) using data stored in SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services.

Improvements to Time Intelligence filters, including enhancements to calendar controls and scorecard KPI’s using data stored in analysis services.

Prior to SP2, the calendar control for Time Intelligence Post Formula filters sometimes displayed 31 days for each month. Additionally, some Time Intelligence expressions caused filters that were linked to KPIs to fail. For example, when a compound expression such as (Day-7:Day-1) was used in a Time Intelligence Post Formula filter and that filter was linked to a KPI, an error message occurred.

Gernot Kühn
