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Memorable Moments

One of my goals for FSX (or any product I'm designing) is to seed the design/world/experience with opportunities for memorable moments. I'm talking about events that you will remember for years, not just a few minutes.

I still clearly remember the first time I landed the Cessna on the Golden Gate bridge way back in FS-5 days when you could still land on bridges. Same goes for the first time I played with the Sopwith Camel in mock combat with the flat mountain backdrops in the background or the first successful landing in a Cessna and eventually in the 747.

I have similar memories from other games, and it's those memories that make great titles really stand out for me.

I have real-world memories as well of course. The passing of my wonderful sister, the birth of my daughter, her first words, birthday parties, marrying my beautiful wife, my first solo working towards my PPL, boating with my family, and so many other events that make life interesting.

What I find interesting is that there is room in my brain for all the memories from virtual worlds when I have so many rich and varied experiences from the real world. I think our mind can easily get past the artificial aspects of our game and sim experiences and it all gets lumped together just like the real-world memories.

I would love to hear what our users have in their minds as their most memorable moments in FS. Maybe I should post this question on some of the forums and see what happens...


  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    The one i always remember is when i had installed ActiveSky. I was amazed about the weather and all of the sim, i just sad behind my computer and watched the screen.

    The other funpart i remember is when on of my friends came over and i showed him FS2004, with UT USA installed.
    He was amazed when he flied over places he been a week before.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
      I like your post about memorable moments.
    I first started flying in Flight Simulator in the FS98 version, which was incredible at the time. Now, with FS9, I am wanting more and more out of the game, but when I look back at the older versions I realise how far the game has come. It's cool to hear some opinions from an important person in the FS world as you are the leading designer. One thing I would like to emphasise on the new FS X, please show some visual damage, such as wheels breaking off.
    Also, this is just a bit pushing the limits, could there be a way to have someone virtually ride along with you in the airplane while playing online?

    By the screenshots so far, your FS design team has come a long ways, great work!
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    Well, one of mine would be my first flights in the Learjet 45 on FS 5.1... I remember this flight, I was departing Chicago Midway at sunrise, with the big manual on my laps, and it felt so real, I could picture me at the controls departing in a cold morning ...

    One other is not related to FS, but to Flight Unlimited II, when I was discovering the Bay Area, Flying a Cessna 172 in amazing ground details... That feeling I never had it again, until I installed MegaScenery Northern California for FS2004!
    These warm colors, the detailled textures, it was all back... This brought back some memories ;-)

    I have many more like this :)
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    What I still find the most amazing about FS is the ability to add your own creations - planes, gauges, utilities, scenery... And every time I have created something new (and possibly original) and see it working for the first time is a memorable moment...
    Looking back the best moment must have been the release of the first SDK (FS98?) so I could add metric gauges to the sailplane - was I proud to be able to do just that... :-))
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    I think it's fantastic that third party enhancements are creating memorable moments for you. It's just another testament to FS and to our incredible community.

    So Scubakobe, I can say you will be happy about some things you want and unhappy about others. But, that doesn't mean I'm not working hard to get as many of the great ideas the community puts out (as well as our own) incorporated into the product. Some will take more time than others though.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    I meant to include in my post one of my recent memorable moments.

    There I was at 15,000 ft in the 747 when I lost an engine during a stall test. I rapidly used up 11,900 feet of altitude before I pulled out of the dive at tree top level and wiped the sweat from my brow. The ensuing emergency landing was a piece of cake even though the gravity of the emergency situation was only the tip of the iceburg...

    BTW, one of our engineers is ex-Boeing and did a lot of the work on our 747. I didn't believe it at first, but he said the 747 has extreme deep stall tendencies if you hold it in a stall too long. That's why you recover from a stall when the stick shaker starts before the actual stall.
  • Anonymous
    March 27, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    March 28, 2006
    I started simming with FS98 - the first piece of computer software I ever bought. I purchased it when I ordered my computer and spent the next 2 days reading the manual in great anticipation of getting the computer just so I could try it out.

    The first most memorable moment for me was flying from the Toronto City Centre airport, I think it was one of the 12 airports in Canada in FS98 lol. I thought it was fantastic to see the CN tower, Lake Ontario, etc. I did a lot of flying there and up to Buttonville airport, there were even hills to the north!

    With FS2004 my most memorable trip was way back when I first got it, and was running the sim on a P3 800mhz computer (Yet I still whine about the performance on my AMD64 3200 with 2 gigs of ram and a Geforce 6800 lol). My first memorable trip in FS2004 was taking the DC-3 from my home airport in southern Ontario, Canada up to Iqaluit, Nunavut. I was amazed by the new detail of coastlines, roads etc. in FS2004. After that would have been during testing of one of the early betas of Ultimate Terrain Canada seeing the mind blowing detail Allen K managed to pull out of the sim.

    Since a lot of my sim flying is VFR FS2004 was really a "coming of age" of the sim for me, and FSX looks even better for those of us who fly IFR in the I Follow Roads sense.
  • Anonymous
    April 03, 2006
    Great comments on your memories. I find it interesting that previous versions of FS generated so many memorable moments even though the visuals were so far less advanced than they are now. Our brain is really good at filling in the blanks!