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All FSX all the time

I've been informed that this site isn't actually considered a personal site where I can post whatever I want, so I have removed my political posts and will concentrate instead on Flight Sim and aviation subjects instead.

I am truly passionate about Flight Simulator and aviation, so it's not a problem for me and I hope that Flight Sim fans that enjoy reading about Flight Sim from my perspective will be able to put whatever differences of opinion we may have on other subjects to the side and agree to disagree.

We have a lot of great things happening here and FSX is on store shelves in some places and will be available everywhere soon, so there is much to celebrate about. We will be listening to and addressing concerns from those of you not celebrating the arrival of FSX for whatever reason.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Great, glad we're back on the topic of FS. Here's a major concern for me. It seems the trees in both the recent and previous demos cause an fps out of proportion to their numbers. Everytime they come into view the sim gets choppy. I am certainly not trying to max out sliders, they are moderate, no bloom, water 1.x, etc. Granted I know that every tree type known to man is in the sim now, but the frame hit is ridiculous. Also it seems like it's either all or nothing with the trees, as the slider seems to control the buildings.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    As for my system, I've pretty much only used my Dell XPS Gen 2 laptop using a Pentium M 2.1, 2 gigs of ram, 7200 RPM hd, and an Nvidia 6800 Ultra with 256 megs of ram. When I run FSX, I can run with water at 2.x, autogen and scenery complexity at low settings, massive textures, 1m scenery textures, 38m dem, medium detail radius, no auto AI, all ships, some pleasure boats, and some AI aircraft. My screen resolution is about 1900X1200 and I don't use bloom. With these settings I get about 15-20 fps and can fly the Red Bull course successfully, which is my test for frame rate. These settings are from memory as I'm compiling a new build right now so I can't check it directly.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I'm wondering if you have been flying the final edition, and on what computer specs? Would love to know your settings.

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    I did see a lot of people saying post what you want since it's your blog.  However as I mentioned you are kind of a celeb in the flight sim world.  I do look forward to seeing more insider info on FSX though and respect your opinions even if I don't agree.