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New functionality in the Windows Server Core OS MP version 6.0.6957.0 by Cameron Fuller (MVP)



Kevin Holman has already written up on this MP at https://blogs.technet.com/b/kevinholman/archive/2011/09/30/opsmgr-new-base-os-mp-6-0-6956-0-adds-cluster-shared-volume-monitoring-bpa-and-many-changes.aspx but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents on this topic. There are two critical items which I see in this MP which I see as large steps forward:

CSV Monitoring: I was at a client when a CSV ran out of disk space and that was close to being a really bad issue. Any insights that we can provide on CSV’s and their health in OpsMgr are extremely beneficial.

New Reports: I saw these at MMS and have been looking forward to when they will be released. Note: These are added as a separate MP which you need to download from the pinpoint site.