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How to create an OpsMgr 2007 diagnostic task for Unix/Linux services

Question2Microsoft’s own Chandan Bharti posted another great article over on his personal blog about how to create a diagnostic task for Unix/Linux services in System Center Operations Manager 2007 (SCOM 2007). This one actually builds on his previous post about creating a recovery task for the same thing:

I have already shown on how you can create the recovery task for Unix services in my previous blog Here . And that was meant to run when the state changes from healthy to critical. But personally, i didn't like that. So i feel its good to allow those services to be queries if its stopped or not, and only then run the recovery. Isnt that Cool!!

Here is how you can create a Diagnostic task for Unix/Linux services…

To continue reading Chandan’s article see the following:

SCOM 2007- How to create a Diagnostic task for Unix/Linux services : https://blogs.technet.com/b/chandanbharti/archive/2011/12/27/scom-2007-how-to-create-a-diagnostic-task-for-unix-linux-services.aspx

J.C. Hornbeck | System Center & Security Knowledge Engineer

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