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Random Roundup 22nd April 2007

This week's inbox detritus for your viewing pleasure..


Our free New Day taxi campaign got some good coverage at itpro, vnu and tech.co.uk (thanks for the quotes guys) as well as a slightly painfully contrived article criticising us for polluting the planet.  He may not be convinced but Robert Blackburn (MD of Capgemini) said at the launch how the power saving aspects of Vista being reason enough to justify their own upgrade (watch the video of Robert and fast fwd to about 9 mins in).

Arsenal Gadget publishedarsenal gadget

Find out the latest from the gunners right on your desktop.

Windows Starter software pack for $3

Lots of coverage of Bill's announcements on this program designed to bridge the technical divide and benefit the Microsoft business at the same time. 

MS selling fuel cells?

I can't find any substantiation to this rumour but interesting nonetheless.  Not that I can complain with my remarkable laptop.

Coloured bar codes pack more punch

Aparently we are working on adding colours to bar codes to increase the amount of data they store.

Silverlight (not Flash)! a-aaah - he saved every one of us!

We've renamed (thank goodness) Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere (WPF/E) to Microsoft SilverlightIt looks cool.  It is a small plugin for incorporating video, animation and interactivity over the web.  This is being seen as a rival to Adobe's Flash player.  It is less than 2Mb, works on Safari and FireFox, on macs and PCs. 

Fellow Brit, Tim Sneath has a good blog on it.
